Psychological and Cognitive Effects of Long COVID: A Narrative Review Focusing on the Assessment and Rehabilitative Approach 2022 de Luca et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by Andy, Nov 12, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Long COVID is a clinical syndrome characterized by profound fatigue, neurocognitive difficulties, muscle pain, weakness, and depression, lasting beyond the 3–12 weeks following infection with SARS-CoV-2. Among the symptoms, neurocognitive and psychiatric sequelae, including attention and memory alterations, as well as anxiety and depression symptoms, have become major targets of current healthcare providers given the significant public health impact. In this context, assessment tools play a crucial role in the early screening of cognitive alterations due to Long COVID. Among others, the general cognitive assessment tools, such as the Montreal Cognitive assessment, and more specific ones, including the State Trait Inventory of Cognitive Fatigue and the Digit Span, may be of help in investigating the main neurocognitive alterations. Moreover, appropriate neurorehabilitative programs using specific methods and techniques (conventional and/or advanced) through a multidisciplinary team are required to treat COVID-19-related cognitive and behavioral abnormalities. In this narrative review, we sought to describe the main neurocognitive and psychiatric symptoms as well as to provide some clinical advice for the assessment and treatment of Long COVID.

    Open access,
    RedFox likes this.
  2. BrightCandle

    BrightCandle Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Can't bring themselves to say it has PEM which is one of the defining features. More heavy leaning on the psychology which is far from the main aspect of the disease, although the gaslighting sure does make that worse!
  3. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    3-12 weeks? And where does that come from? The script has changed but it was obviously a top-down instruction that most long haulers were told it couldn't last longer than 2 weeks in the first year, it was clearly a scripted response used as an arbitrary standard. Now we're going with beyond 12 weeks, as if 3 months of being ill is not a concern. Which this is basically saying implicitly.
    Something that doesn't exist yet plays a crucial role? Why not? There is no reliable assessment of change in cognitive function and performance. It's the main obstacle for medicine taking brain fog seriously. They even name the MoCA questionnaire that doesn't even apply here, is not useful. But, sure, let's pretend that something that could be developed, if the will and effort were there, play a crucial role. In imagination, perhaps?
    Most recover eventually, with no such programs or methods and techniques. How can anyone pretend they are required? This is beyond unserious. No one pays attention to reality, everything is turned inward about what they already do, rather than what's out there. Why are medical professionals so eager to do performative quackery but completely indifferent to work on the real issues? It's not normal to be OK with being as useful as a potted plant.

    What this is all showing is that the BPS gang aren't even especially bad at their thing. They are rather perfectly average. It's just that the average is completely clueless and awful, but no one can tell the difference. Brilliant. So failure is locked in place until something untangles this complete mess.

    Be assured that most products and technologies that people use on a daily is far, far more reliable and serious than this. It's why planes don't fall out of the sky every single day. Because if we did everything else as poorly as this here, we'd frankly not even have electrification yet.
    oldtimer, bobbler, DokaGirl and 2 others like this.
  4. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Why did they add depression it took me 18 months of visiting doctors to realise they were clueless and would not be of any help. when that reality kicked in i was situationally depressed short term absolutely nothing like the very severe depressive illnesses that many people have to endure .
  5. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    Big worry isn't it. Seems pretty obvious that my cognitive stuff is directly related to PEM and it is just that energy wears out in front of eyes in a way it mightn't so soon physically (or you'd sit down because you had to whereas switching off thinking or talking mid-stream is harder), so 'rehab' is surely as harmful as GET.

    And really stupid to try and fix something caused by a fuel pipe issue by thinking you can make people press the accelerator differently and more regularly.

    The arrogance of it all that you have people who have degrees in the relevant area, and literally live with this almost certainly able to explain this - of the various types (because there will be different people having different types) - and they think their 2 secs of pretend listening to say 'oh I know, surprise surprise it is this thing that I like to do and is all I can actually do that must be the fix' is genius and the solution.

    The amount of wasted cognitive energy for the poor PwME trying to explain to idiots who will do everything to not take in (because they don't want to understand as it isn't in their interests to hear something that contradicts what works for them) what the condition is and how it works and happens ... it just feels criminal and like watching disability bullying about to happen.
    Sean, alktipping and oldtimer like this.

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