Public poll: For those who have tried a 5+2 (or other intermittent fasting) diet do you think it helped your ME?

Discussion in 'Nutrition, food sensitivity, microbiome treatments' started by Andy, Oct 16, 2022.


Intermittent fasting and effect on symptoms

  1. I have tried intermittent fasting and it WORSENED my ME

    0 vote(s)
  2. I have tried intermittent fasting and it had a POSITIVE effect on my ME

    3 vote(s)
  3. I have tried intermittent fasting and it had NO EFFECT on my ME

    11 vote(s)
  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    ** Please note that this poll and thread are public and so viewable by non-members **

    As per the title of the thread, please vote if you have tried an intermittent fasting diet. In order to keep the poll simple, if you think it had a positive or negative effect then please comment on which symptom(s) you think it impacted.
    Peter Trewhitt and DokaGirl like this.
  2. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    i've never tried but am most interested to see the result as i've considered it but was dubious about the effect it might have on my ME so interested in others' experiences
  3. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used the 16:8 diet (only eat for an 8 hour period in each day). It helped me lose weight from an unhealthy starting point (BMI: 30) but made no significant difference to my ME even though my BMI has been around 20 for a number of years now. I was never overweight in my life before my ME became severe so knew that the severity of my ME was nothing to do with my weight.
  4. BrightCandle

    BrightCandle Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I still do intermittent fasting, I fast once or twice a week anywhere up to 24 hours, some days its doable and others I cut it short if its making me feel too unwell. The primary reason I do it is to reduce bloating and improve IBS symptoms, I don't think it impacts anything else, if anything I hate those days as I have less energy and feel more fatigued. If I don't do them then it gets pretty uncomfortable however and its proved a necessary step of maintaining my gut function. So its positive and negative, but it has no impact on the core PEM.
  5. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I technically do that, though not on purpose. Morning coffee aside, I eat my first meal at 12:00 and the last one a small snack around 20:00.

    For many years. Can't say it helped anything. Gut issues have been bad for a long time and no improvement there. Only antihistamines seem to help much.
    Trish and Peter Trewhitt like this.

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