Hi everyone, Emerge Australia is looking at revamping some of our resources (including our online forum) to make them more friendly for people who have visual sensitivities. Our first step in this project is to look for any published research which explores visual sensitivities in ME/CFS or any documents which make recommendations for accommodating visual sensitivities in ME/CFS. We have documents with recommendations for content accessibility generally (like WCAG), but want to see what there is that’s specific to ME/CFS. Does anyone know of anything? Anything that you’re aware of would be useful, even if it’s really old and outdated. We will also be doing a community survey in 2025 to get direct input on this topic from the community, but the first piece in this project is to look for any published research or documents. Thank you!
if you look under the tag 'visual disturbances' there are a couple of threads you might be interested in, ditto if you try the tag 'eyes' separately.
In the UK University of Leicester have published a couple of papers on visual issues , I think one of their postgrads joined the forum as well so definitely worth looking for.