J.S ME/CFS research summary: http://www.meaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ME2FCFS-RESEARCH-SUMMARY-Jamie-Seltzer.pdf Summary of recent significant findings in M.E./cfs research – updated May 2017 GOP (Paul Watton) https://app.box.com/s/9s4coexxtys5bnz33i6gvqqygu67ex5o @Woolie @Cheshire
Thanks for posting, @Sly Saint. For some reason, although tagged, I didn't get alerted (or maybe I did and missed it somehow).
It would make sense if we could pool all these resources, but I that would be up to the authors. @JaimeS, what do you think?
Actually, it would be up to who owns them. I think it would make sense to put research compilations on the same main webpage with links and credit. For example, if you were linking back to something on OMF's page, you'd want to mention Open Medicine Foundation and the author. As long as you were to link back to the original page rather than download and re-post, I think this would be seen as promotion and not appropriation. Also: I keep meaning to post my by-section resource, which is much-expanded, but I haven't yet had the time.
What does GOP stand for? I feel such a thickie that I can't see it anywhere but all I can think of is Grand Old Party!