Review Review of Occupational Health Effects and Prevention Strategies, 2024, Tsimakuridzet

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research' started by Dolphin, Jun 6, 2024.

  1. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    [Possibly not of interest to many. Though I'd be curious whether there is WHO data somewhere where CFS is high up a list of occupational diseases]

    • MARINA TSIMAKURIDZET bilisi State Medical University
    • MARIAM GIGIADZET bilisi State Medical University
    • GIGI GORGADZET bilisi State Medical University
    • MAIA TSIMAKURIDZET bilisi State Medical University
    Review, Occupational health, effects, prevention

    The term „Occupational disease" refers to any disease which is caused by the impact of work environment-related risk factors.

    In 1925, the first list created by the International Labor Organization (ILO) contained only three diseases, until the 1960s when 10 occupational diseases were listed.

    Since 1980, the list had been incorporated by the diseases beyond occupational poisonings.

    Since 2010 the list is being revised.

    Georgia is among the 187 member countries of the ILO.

    Considering the fact that in many countries more than half of the unemployed are associated with Informal Sector, where there are no mechanisms for social and health protection and no system for controlling occupation health and safety standards, it is clear why the cases of occupational pathology have been increased worldwide.

    According to the latest World Health Organization’s data the most common occupational pathologies are: skin and respiratory pathologies, occupational cancer, hearing loss, poisoning with chemical agents, health effects provoked by physical, biological factors, mental-behavioral and musculoskeletal disorders.

    Nowadays, the list has expanded by office work-related conditions: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Dry eye, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Osteochondrosis and etc.

    According to the resolution of the Government of Georgia, the program “Prevention of Occupational diseases” was first launched in 2007 and since then, by the resolution N77 of 2011.

    It is being monitored by the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health. By the resolution N19 of January 18, 2016 the state program for Inspection of labor inspections was authorized and later the labor inspection service was established.

    The Geneva Convention (2018) points out how national policies, systems and programs should be developed for the continuous improvement in occupation safety and health.

    The future revision of ILO’s list requires a regular discussion, which means containing latest knowledge of occupational pathology in evidence-based medicine and all-inclusive information about the updated national lists of the member countries.
    Peter Trewhitt and alktipping like this.

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