Open RootFinder Assessment Tool (only available thru' July 15, 2022)

Discussion in 'Recruitment into current ME/CFS research studies' started by Dolphin, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I wasn't sure which thread to post this to. It is unclear to me whether this will result in a research paper or not. I also haven't filled in the questionnaire so far so don't know anything more about it.

    From the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association June newsletter

    RootFinder Assessment Tool
    RootFinder Assessment available for free for a limited time!

    As a follow-up to our Sunday Conversations on Functional Medicine, Dr. Andrew Lenhardt, of Complex Health Solutions, in Beverly, MA has offered our readers the opportunity to use his RootFinder Assessment at no cost. His purpose is to collect data on the incidence of different root causes in a self-identified ME population. While the analysis you receive with be specific to you, the data will be anonymized by Dr. Lenhardt.

    Visit the Complex Health Solutions Questionnaire Page and use the promo code ME/CFS to run the analysis for free.

    It takes about 10-15 minutes and when it asks for your predominant health problem, you should choose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When you complete the process, the predictions will be sent immediately to the email you provide. You will not be asked for any other identifying information and this information will not be used for any marketing campaigns.

    Dr. Lenhardt is making this available thru July 15th.
    Peter Trewhitt, DokaGirl and Hutan like this.
  2. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    I did the assessment. I think it's a mass of holistic junk. I mean, some of the questions it asks should be asked by a good doctor when making a diagnosis, but .... I was diagnosed with likely SIBO and possible ongoing EBV or other viral illness and mould exposure. It doesn't get us very far.

    There are assurances of privacy, but I feel slightly concerned. There is the suggestion that you should redo the assessment every 4 months or so (at which point you'd be paying the fee - which was $60 or so from memory).
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
    shak8, Trish, Peter Trewhitt and 2 others like this.
  3. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Eeek. How disappointing that Mass ME Association is promoting stuff like that. And rather concerning.
    alktipping, shak8, Trish and 2 others like this.
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I watched the video linked in the opening post.
    The doctor is a primary care practitioner (doctor) who got interested particularly in his patients with chronic conditions that he couldn't diagnose or treat with allopathic (standard Western) medicine and drugs.
    These include those with chronic fatigue, CFS, FM and chronic Lyme.

    He has moved into concentrating on these complicated chronic patients from within a primary care practice using a mix of allopathic and functional medicine approaches.

    He gives 3 case studies from his practice where he diagnosed
    - previously undiagnosed Hashimotos thyroiditis,
    - candida albicans (thrush) overgrowth in the gut following lots of antibiotics and steroids, and
    - mineral deficiencies.
    With a mix of allopathic and functional medicine treatments the 3 got better.

    He then admitted that while the functional approach has helped lots of his patients like the 3 above with a mix of chronic fatigue, IBS, brain fog etc, but that he has realised CFS is different and these approaches are not curative for CFS.

    He moved on to talk about Long Covid and his hope that research on Long covid might also help those with CFS. He particularly focused on Pretorius's work with microclots and use of blood thinners, and Patterson's different approach that seems to be helping patients.
  5. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    so then it is all about advertising his services and get more patients and more money into his bank account.

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