Snippets from White P et al. "Eight major errors in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline [...]" [for ME/CFS]

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic news - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by Pustekuchen, Dec 13, 2022.

  1. Pustekuchen

    Pustekuchen Established Member (Voting Rights)

    White P et al. - Eight major errors in the review process and interpretation of the evidence in the NICE guideline for chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis

    Snippets were posted on Twitter by a journalist:

    "The article should appear soon in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, as far as I know."

    The paper was also mentioned in a press statement of the German Society for Psychosomatic Medicine and Medical Psychotherapy (DGPM) in November:
    "Members of the DGPM are also co-authors on an international publication with more than 50 co-authors outlining serious methodological flaws in the guideline on ME/ CFS published last year by the English guideline organization NICE, to which many advocates of the biological view refer."
  2. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    Google translation of this series of tweets by Martin Rucher
    Look at the tweets for the screenshots he's posted that are in English:

    The controversy surrounding the NICE guidelines on #MECFS which have been celebrated by affected organizations, is entering a new round. In an as yet unpublished article, around 50 scientists accuse NICE of eight major mistakes and, among other things, call for a new review.
    The authors around Peter White, responsible for the much-criticized PACE study + many British researchers + from German psychologist Winfried Rief (Marburg) and psychosomatic specialist Peter Henningsen (Munich) describe it as indisputable,..
    that ME/CFS sufferers are not taken seriously enough with their condition, that the therapy must be developed collaboratively between therapists + sufferer and simply asking them to exercise can worsen their condition.
    However, they see 8 major errors in the NICE guidelines. The authors see too little study results (keyword: PACE), and too much attention is paid to the reports of those affected, despite the lower scientific quality.
    Among other things, the authors do not see PEM as a cardinal symptom of ME/CFS, as is currently mentioned, without being contradicted, in a statement by the German Medical Association. PEM is an important and common symptom in ME/CFS, but subjectively not specific for ME/CFS.
    Continued next post.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    The comments on the controversial activation therapy GET are interesting. This was misinterpreted, it says in the text. GET is NOT designed as a rigid therapy with a sequence of performance increases, but is intended in such a way that...

    the activity level should be adjusted individually and collaboratively with the patient. The main criticism of GET is that patients are pushed beyond their load limits into activities that ultimately harm them.
    As far as I know, the article is due to appear soon in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry.
  4. John Mac

    John Mac Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Interesting use of the word "scientists"
  5. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    These are the 8 major errors they claim are in the NICE guideline, copied from the screen shot of Box 2 in one of the tweets. They are listed as bullet points. I have numbered them:

    The NICE committee's eight major errors in the CFS/ME guideline process and outcome

    1. Created a new definition of CFS/ME which automatically downgraded the certainty of trial evidence

    2. Omitted data from standard trial endpoints used to assess efficacy

    3. Discounted trial data when assessing treatment harm in favour of lower quality surveys and selective comments from qualitative sources

    4. Downplayed the importance of fatigue as an outcome, even though it is the primary symptom of CFS/ME

    5. Failed to synthesise and GRADE trial evidence adequately

    6. Misrepresented Graded Exercise Therapy as mandating fixed increments of change when the major trials defined it as collaborative, negotiated and symptom dependent

    7. Deviated from NICE recommendations of rehabilitation for related conditions such as chronic primary pain

    8. Recommended an energy management approach in the absence of supportive research evidence.
  6. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    They (the BPS people) have been busy. They don't seem to have even got all the things they think they agree with right:

    Screen Shot 2022-12-13 at 11.58.05 pm.png

    It's actually ME/CFS. And the guideline did not suggest that GET is an evidence based therapy for CFS/ME or even ME/CFS.

    The guideline doesn't use the word negotiate i.e.that treatments should be negotiated between healthcare professionals and patients. It does talk about shared care though and an agreed care and support plan, so I suppose that amounts to nearly the same.
    From memory, that was something we commented on in the S4ME response to the draft. Within reason, everyone should be in charge of their own body, treatment decisions should not be a 'negotiation'. Mentally competent patients should be given relevant information, including the treatment options that the medical system is willing and able to provide and the risks and benefits, and then the patient should decide what to do. That's quite different to a negotiation. You don't 'negotiate' what you will have for a meal at a restaurant, even if you ask the waiter for their recommendation.
  7. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    thats what a lot of the therapy manual (PACE) makes it out to be (but it makes it very clear throughout that the theory behind it is deconditioning) until you get to this bit:

    Dolphin, Woolie, Louie41 and 28 others like this.
  8. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    That would be the Chronic Pain Guideline, the one that recommends acupuncture and did not involve patient organisations. The guideline that doctors had this to say about:
    It's the Guideline that 150 pain specialists wrote to complain about:

    (not to mention the (lack of) evidence for exercise, CBT and ACT)

    The BPS people do have a bit of a point there though, the approaches in the two guidelines aren't consistent. Unblinded trials with wait-list controls and subjective outcomes constitute sound evidence in the Chronic Pain Guideline. It does leave NICE rather exposed to criticism.
    Dolphin, MEMarge, Woolie and 23 others like this.
  9. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    I have a bit of sympathy with that point too. I think the NICE Guideline made energy management/pacing sound a lot more like a therapy, a lot more scientific, than it is. That was a product of the therapists wanting to be needed, wanting to be the experts, wanting to write energy management plans for patients, with careful schedules of activity and rest.

    It should really have just been something more like 'Advise patients to organise their life so that they can mostly avoid PEM. This may involve cutting back or stopping paid work and education, in which case help the patient to liaise with their employer or school and apply for various assistance. Put patients touch with patient organisations who can offer practical advice and support.' That sort of practical advice doesn't need evidence. 'PEM is awful and debilitating, pushing through PEM doesn't make ME/CFS get better, so avoid PEM'. Not rocket science.

    However, if the BPS people try to suggest that the PACE trial assessed 'pacing' and found that it didn't help, I would point out that most patients who have had ME/CFS for more than maybe 6 months end up doing a form of pacing just to get through the day. Therefore, most of the participants in the trial were already pacing - limiting their activity levels so that they could prioritise the things that they felt were most important and not end up in bed in agony for three days. So, it's hardly surprising that the outcomes of the so-called Adaptive Pacing treatment looked a lot like Standard Medical Care.
  10. InitialConditions

    InitialConditions Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    North-West England
    My first takeaway from this is that these people are now organising internationally — specifically across northern Europe — and it's key that patient organisations do so too.
    Sid, MEMarge, Woolie and 34 others like this.
  11. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The authors appear to contradict themselves in saying these patients are not taken seriously enough with their condition.

    And yet, they also say too much attention is paid to the reports from pwME.

    On the one hand they seem to be saying reports from patients are very important, but on the other hand, these reports should not be taken seriously.
  12. Charles B.

    Charles B. Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Does anyone feel they can offer speculation about the probability of NICE convening a new panel and conducting another review? I know it’s difficult with only these brief snippets, but I still felt inclined to ask
    Sid, Louie41, Binkie4 and 11 others like this.
  13. DokaGirl

    DokaGirl Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    As per the statement in the PACE therapy manual, do the authors have sufficient scientific proof that boom and bust cycles disallow desensitization to increases in activity?

    (For healthy people, there are methods of training that advise alternating between rest and exercise to avoid over-training and injuries.)
  14. cassava7

    cassava7 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Some of the “errors” that the authors mention are outright misleading.

    I am puzzled by this argument. The 2007 NICE guideline (CG53) already required post-exertional fatigue or malaise with the typical 24h delay and prolonged recovery (§ It also states that the diagnosis of CFS/ME should be reconsidered in the absence of PEF/PEM (§ Therefore, had the PACE trial been published earlier and reviewed by NICE for the 2007 guideline, it should have been downgraded for indirectness because the Oxford criteria do not require PEF/PEM.

    It seems important to note that the authors who were stakeholders in the 2007 guideline, in particular the first author and PACE trial lead investigator Peter White (via the St Barts CFS clinic), did not reject the mandatory presence of PEF/PEM. They cannot turn on their heels 15 years later.

    Further, NICE merely modified the IOM criteria, which were one of the reasons why NICE started the process of developing a new guideline as mentioned in their 10 year surveillance report of the CG53 guideline.

    Also, in one of the snippet above, the authors say that the “most widely used” CDC definition (Fukuda) doesn’t require PEM, but they omit to mention that the CDC now endorse the IOM criteria.

    Perhaps this refers to NICE’s decision to use the longest follow-up data available (144 weeks) that Simon Wessely lobbied against by sending text messages to the former head of NICE.

    If they want to use this argument, then surely one should have the right to invoke objective endpoints, which the authors tried to bury under the carpet by publishing them separately from the main results because they were null?
    First, how should one interpret trial data on harms when participants were instructed to ignore and push through their symptoms, which they were told were the result of “false illness beliefs” and related maladaptive behaviour?

    Second, it is known that reporting of harms in trials is often incomplete and this issue can only be compounded when the investigators have a strong bias in favour of the intervention they are trialing.

    Third, 2274 patients responded to the survey on GET/CBT that was analyzed by the Oxford Brookes University and submitted to NICE as evidence for the guideline development process. This is 3.5 times as many patients as the number of participants in the PACE trial (641). Why should such a strong signal be ignored even if it comes from non-RCT evidence? The ”First Do No Harm” report on harms from drugs and medical devices published in 2021 by the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review was based on post-marketing (non-RCT) evidence, yet the harms were acknowledged.

    Fourth, speaking of post-marketing evidence, there is no equivalent of the Yellow Card scheme for GET/CBT and ME/CFS clinics do not have a system to report harms.

    Did they?

    @MECFSSkeptic already responded to these allegations:

    With regards to synthesis, the appendices for the evidence review contain hundreds of pages of GRADE tables.

    This is a blatant lie. NICE reviewed the trials carefully and summarized its findings on the definitions of graded exercise therapy in Box 5.

    One can look at the PACE GET manual for therapists. The “GET process” is summarized on pages 38 and detailed from pages 39 to 56. A fixed increment is mandated, first in duration (20%; p. 38, p. 49) then, once exercise can be sustained for 30 minutes, in heart rate by 10-20% (p. 49).

    It is true that therapists are to collaborate with patients: “ALWAYS ensure the process is collaborative and that every stage is jointly negotiated” (p. 32). Collaboration is described as such:
    However, the extent of collaboration is very much limited by the GET model and process.

    First, collaboration mostly revolves around negotiating goals before starting the therapy and a baseline of exercise (p. 38). But even then, it is stated that:

    - “Goals for GET should have relevance to exercise, physical activity or physical functioning” (p. 45) and not be “a reduction or absence of symptoms” (p. 42), which may differ from the patients’ preferred goals (and also highlights that GET is not meant to be a cure for ME/CFS)

    - “The baseline should be renegotiated if, after subjective assessment or review of the Physical activity/exercise diary, the therapist feels this level is inappropriate” (p. 48), so the therapist has the upper hand on deciding the baseline activity level.

    Then, the process insists on maintaining activity during crashes, which are “normal, and likely” (p. 51), even when the patient is reluctant to do so, because it is presumed that “hurt does not equal harm” and, otherwise, “the boom/bust cycle continues, and the body is not able to desensitise to the increase in activity”:
    Therefore, going back to the authors’ claims about GET not having fixed increments and being collaborative, negotiated and symptom dependent:

    - The increments are fixed (10-20%), whether in duration or in exercise intensity;

    - The GET process leaves little room for collaboration before starting the program and almost none when it is ongoing — the patient is expected to comply with their exercise regimen and to maintain it even when they are experiencing a flare;

    - How negotiation during the program should be done and what it entails is not specified; in particular, there is no mention of negotiating increments;

    - To say that GET is symptom dependent while encouraging the patient to continue exercising even while they are crashing is disingenuous.

    Here, the authors contradict themselves with regards to error 5.

    NICE followed the same methodology for reviewing the evidence for the chronic pain and ME/CFS guidelines, so they synthesized and graded the evidence the exact same way. It makes no sense to criticize NICE’s protocol for the ME/CFS guideline but not for the chronic pain one.

    Also, NICE’s evidence review of non-pharmacological interventions for chronic pain rated many of them as low quality (some moderate), just as in the ME/CFS evidence review. The decision to recommend exercise and psychotherapy in the chronic pain guideline was based on the committee’s clinical experience, as is clearly stated in the “Rationale and impact” section.

    GET was recommended in the 2007 guideline without definitive evidence of its efficacy. It should also be noted that this energy management approach can hardly be considered a treatment.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
    Dolphin, Sid, Brian Hughes and 28 others like this.
  15. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    I think we have been through all this stuff many times before.

    I don't see Peter Barry (the committee chair) wanted to shift position. He was very confident that the guideline was robust and has no conflict of interest himself. I assume all those complaining do. Ilora Finlay (vice-chair and a political heavyweight) would be extremely resistant to any suggestion of review I think.

    NICE is only going to allow a further review if some new person in charge is leant on. That might happen but remember that the 2017 review cost a huge amount of money and it would be difficult to re-do it for less.

    @adambeyoncelowe knows all the ins and outs - any thought, Adam?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
    Louie41, EzzieD, Michelle and 21 others like this.
  16. NelliePledge

    NelliePledge Moderator Staff Member

    UK West Midlands
    Just tagging in @dave30th to make sure he knows about this
    Dolphin, Louie41, Binkie4 and 13 others like this.
  17. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    And remember that the Presidents of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, Psychiatrists, Paediatricians and GPs sat around a round table with the committee officers to give them a chance to present their criticisms and they didn't make a peep. When the chips are down there is nothing to say - the evidence was not there and even if you labelled on the benefit of the doubt it was not cost effective.
    Dolphin, Louie41, Binkie4 and 30 others like this.
  18. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Note that Peter Henningsen had something to do with a rehab program in the UK run by Dr Moss-Morris. There was a video in which he presented his use of a completely untested black magic psychotherapy of some sort. It's a bit like a black hole calling the kettle black.

    Edit: I am fairly sure that Henningsen is into Body Psychotherapy, which is witch-doctoring of an elaborate German kind as far as I can see, based on all sorts of pseudoscience.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
    Dolphin, MEMarge, Louie41 and 20 others like this.
  19. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It would be worth thinking about putting the issue in its broader context, how it's clearly the process behind this that is flawed and arbitrary. This isn't reserved for us, we're just the easiest punching bag for this. It's the entire EBM paradigm mixed with the BPS ideology that is universally toxic. It plays out the exact same everywhere.

    Then again that would probably require joining forces and we haven't been fully able to do that with ourselves. It's so easy to conquer a group of people who are already divided, and disabled, and hated.

    Urk this is way too nauseating. I can't believe this is what goes on in medicine. It explains so much. But the myth of medicine being special is done and over with, clearly never had any basis to begin with.

    This quote is something:
    Who do they think is pushing for that evidence? Or made it in the first place? And has been marketing it for decades?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  20. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yeah but they "teach" this stuff themselves. Energy management is all over BPS stuff, in the pamphlets, in the "clinics". As treatments. Without evidence. While we explicitly remind that it's not a treatment at every opportunity.

    So they are basically mad at their own argument, either unaware of it or indifferent at bothering to making any sense. Just like they're mad at CBT being recommended as support, which is an argument they make themselves all the time when they say that it's also used in cancer... as support.

    Zero coherence to those arguments. But these people are supposed to be the experts. So who will notice the incoherence? This is all so incredibly broken.
    Dolphin, EzzieD, Michelle and 9 others like this.

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