Social Stigma Towards People with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: the Somatic Symptom Disorder, 2020, Aydogmus

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Sci hub,
    spinoza577, Yessica, DokaGirl and 3 others like this.
  2. Esther12

    Esther12 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thanks Andy. I've not read the paper yet, but wanted to see how they described people with 'MUS' to students.

    This is the vignette they used:

    I'm not sure that any anti-stigma campaign is likely to lead to students embracing those with 'MUS'/'SSD' when they are being portrayed like that.
    spinoza577, Yessica, DokaGirl and 9 others like this.
  3. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The most effective anti stigma campaign would be for them to stop describing people in this way, well for them to stop describing people full stop. If those who are creating the stigma packed up & went home it would eventually fade away. The perversity of people whose views create the stigma in the first place researching ways to beat the stigma.... It feels somehow Orwellian to me.
  4. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There is no social stigma against MUS. MUS is not a real category of things, it's not something the general public is aware and it doesn't represent anything specific.

    There is however strong medical stigma and it is 100% caused, created, perpetuated and reinforced my medical professionals and institutions, mostly through the very concepts that cause stigma like calling them mental illness when they have nothing to do with.

    People don't make fun of sick people for no reason. They do when it is acceptable by the medical profession causing and perpetuating it. Autism is a good example, it used to have a strong social stigma, then medicine matured a bit, stopped labeling it a mental illness that people grew out of and the stigma is slowly withering away. It is not gone, precisely because it came directly from medicine itself, which carries a lot of weight, and that fact lies in large part for having "moved on" without acknowledging the mistakes of the past. This is what happens when no accountability exists.

    This is 100% medicine's fault. No one else is to blame for this. Medicine is not a passive observer or passive participant in this, it is the only active contributor to it. The inability to recognize it means any "anti-stigma" efforts will fail, as long as the much larger pro-stigma dogma remains in practice, especially as it is currently expanding deep into coo-coo land.

    The abstract is a good example of it. It speaks of empathy, which medicine systematically rejects with us in practice, never listening to the substance of what we say and always substituting it for ideological nonsense like somatic syndromes and the like. It encourages others to practice empathy while refusing categorically to do so. Completely clueless.

    The initial "sin" of this is to misrepresent reality. This is all on medicine and no one else is to blame, no one else can even do anything as long as this remains the current paradigm. Medicine has decided to blame us for their own failure, this pathetic attempt at blaming others for it is a great example of why the stigma exists in the first place, those responsible for it, for both creating and removing it, do not understand they are themselves fully responsible, and thus unable to stop it.

    Grow the F up and clean your own house before you start criticizing others for adding onto your own gigantic trash pile.
    inox, Peter Trewhitt, Sean and 11 others like this.

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