Solve ME: Ramsay Research Grant Program, 2022 onwards

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by Andy, Apr 7, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    From a Solve email.

    Solve M.E. is accepting applications to study ME/CFS and Long Covid from April 9 – May 23, 2022.

    Through the Ramsay Program, Solve M.E. invests in research studies in ME/CFS or Long Covid with a particular emphasis on engaging young investigators and researchers new to the field. This year, we are accepting applications for projects that aim to explore the mechanisms at play in people who go on to develop Long COVID. Collaborative proposals (involving 2 or more research groups) are encouraged.

    Learn more about applications, project scope, and lab vs. data-based grants here. Please contact Kate Mudie, registry research manager, at with questions.

    Ramsay 2022 marks the sixth cycle of the program, and we are excited to continue offering our rich longitudinal data set in the You + ME Registry.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "Through the Ramsay Research Grant Program, Solve M.E. invests in research studies in ME/CFS and Long Covid with a particular emphasis on engaging young investigators and researchers new to the field. This year, we are accepting applications for projects that aim to explore the mechanisms at play in people who go on to develop Long Covid. Collaborative proposals (involving 2 or more research groups) are encouraged.

    We’ve now extended the deadline for Ramsay Research Grant Program applications to study ME/CFS and Long Covid through June 6, 2022.

    Ramsay 2022 marks the sixth cycle of the program, and we are excited to continue offering our rich longitudinal data set in the You + ME Registry.

    Learn more about applications, project scope, and lab vs. data-based grants here. Please contact Kate Mudie, registry research manager, at with questions."
    MEMarge, Dolphin and Trish like this.

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