Review Somatization Disorders in emergency department: A critical overview of current challenges and future directions 2025 Garde et al

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Feb 15, 2025.

  1. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK
    Individuals with Somatization Disorders present frequently to the ED with non-cardiac chest pain, non-specific abdominal pain, headaches and a range of other non-specific symptoms. Somatization Disorder presentations are ubiquitous within the healthcare system. Seen as belonging to ‘no man's land’, these disorders, are often diagnosed and treated by different medical subspecialities. This characteristic of Somatization Disorders creates challenges regarding their diagnosis and management across emergency care settings. The current review explores the scope of the problem and, the challenges inherent in diagnosing and treating these disorders in ED environments. Based on available evidence and the essential character of these disorders, future directions are suggested for more effective emergency management and possible referral from ED.

    Key findings

    • Somatization disorder presentations to ED, are at risk for high morbidity, iatrogenic harm, and avoidable and inappropriate healthcare utilization.
    • There are multiple challenges to managing somatization disorder presentations to ED including the lack of ED appropriate diagnostic criteria and management guidelines.
    • There is a compelling case for creation of consensus guidelines and care pathways for management of somatization disorder presentations to ED, through healthcare reform, in order to reduce healthcare burden.
    Open access
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Misguided priorities. Ironically, by making this the only priority, they have made it impossible to actually achieve that. Completely lost the plot.

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