Sweden: Call: Project grant for research on post-covid

Discussion in 'Long Covid news' started by mango, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Virus- och pandemifonden utlyser ett forskningsanslag à 200.000 SEK för forskning om postcovid

    The “Virus- och Pandemifonden” announces a research grant of 200,000 SEK
    for research on post-covid.

    Background: The “Virus- och pandemifonden” in collaboration with the “Svenska Covidföreningen” organized a fundraising campaign for post-covid research in the
    fall of 2022. The campaign collected 86,000 SEK. The “Virus- och pandemifonden”
    raises another 114,000 SEK and is now announcing a one-year research grant of
    200,000 SEK for post-covid research.

    The call is broad and aims to increase knowledge about:

    • The molecular and/or cellular mechanisms that cause postcovid and/or delay
    • Biomarkers that can aid in diagnosis and characterize postcovid.
    • Risk factors for developing postcovid.

    The application that should be written in English (except for the Swedish popular
    science summary) must contain:
    • Abstract (max. 1500 characters) with information on:
    - Aim and goal
    - Methods
    - The significance of the research project.
    • Popular science summary (max. 2500 characters, in Swedish)
    • Project description (maximum four pages), with the following parts
    - Aim and goal.
    - Background
    - Significance (for knowledge in the field, and/or for application)
    - Theory and methods
    - Study design
    - Collaborations (list collaboration partners and describe their importance for the
    proposed project)
    - Ethical considerations and, where applicable, ethical approval.
    • CV (maximum two pages), with information on (main applicant only):
    - Current and previous positions
    - Supervision of PhD students and postdocs (as main supervisor, only)
    - Received, ongoing research grants received as principal applicant
    - Other merits
    • Publication list, containing (only publications of the main applicant):
    - The ten publications most relevant to the proposed project.
    - A list of all publications during the last eight years, from 2015. Divided into original
    works (peer-reviewed), reviews, and other publications.

    The applications will be assessed by the “Virus- och pandemifonden” board, which
    consists of experts in virology. The projects will be assessed with regard to scientific
    quality, feasibility and importance for increasing knowledge about post-covid. The
    patient perspective is taken into account by having a representative from the
    “Svenska Covidföreningen” give their opinion in regard to the assessment and
    decision on the allocation of grants. The board's assessment cannot be appealed.

    The application is sent to info@pandemifonden.se no later than 20/5 2023.

    Notification of allocation is expected to be 1/9 2023 at the latest.

    The disposition period for the one-year grant is 18 months. A project report is sent to
    info@pandemifonden.se within three months after the disposition period has expired.

    Source: https://covidforeningen.se/wp-content/uploads/pandemifonden-post-covid-project-grant.pdf

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