Thanks for being here

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS discussion' started by Hoopoe, Sep 7, 2023.

  1. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I wanted to express my appreciation for patients here, and in general for patients on social media. I think my online contact with other ME/CFS patients has had a good influence on me.
  2. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    ME too.
    I am out of the loop for months at a time, or trying and failing to read and take in information. All the work people put in here collectively means whenever I want to check on something ME related there will be something here to start my learning with. Since I forget everything I’ve read almost immediately this library is especially useful.

    But also it’s nice to hear from people who are managing some of the same difficulties. Reassurance. Or to look at the same problem from a different angle. To hear new ideas and reminders of our history too.

    Thank you @Hoopoe & everyone else
  3. ahimsa

    ahimsa Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oregon, USA
    Adding my thanks to all forum members here, especially moderators! :heart:
    (and other volunteers who keep the forum going)

    It does help to be able to connect with others here! I often can't comment on threads but I appreciate reading what folks post.

    PS. Sending love to all the forum members, even those who are only able to read posts, and who rarely or never post messages. You are valuable and loved even if you can't participate here very much due to lack of physical or mental energy. :heart:
  4. rainy

    rainy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you from me too. I've been too brainfoggy to be able to comprehend or read much here for a while. When I saw a social media post that s4me had written a letter to cochrane with a petition it felt like that moment when Gandalf comes to aid at the end of two towers. Such a relief, and a light and a purpose.

    I check the new posts page several times a day, and even though I can't read much anymore, just seeing new posts coming in day after day and all the dear avatars of art, nature, animals and faces... it's home in a way for me.

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