The Impact of Pediatric Disorders of Gut–Brain Interaction on the Family: The Mediating Role of Child Somatic Symptoms 2025 Garr et al

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Mar 6, 2025 at 11:40 AM.

  1. Andy

    Andy Retired committee member

    Hampshire, UK


    It is important to identify modifiable factors to reduce the negative impact of pediatric disorders of gut–brain interaction (DGBIs) on the family. The current study examined whether child somatic symptoms and caregiver mental health negatively influenced caregiver and family functioning.

    Participants were 84 children (8–17 years old) with DGBI symptoms and their caregivers presenting to a specialty DGBI clinic. Participants completed measures assessing demographics, child somatic symptoms, caregiver anxiety and depressive symptoms, and the impact of the child's illness on the family. Regression analyses examined if child somatic symptoms and caregiver and mental health were associated with family outcomes (i.e., Caregiver Health-Related Quality of Life [HRQoL], Family Functioning, Total Family Impact). Mediation analyses examined if child somatic symptoms mediated the association between caregiver mental health and Total Family Impact.

    Key Results
    Child somatic symptoms (self- and caregiver-report) were negatively related to Caregiver HRQoL, Family Functioning, and Total Family Impact (ps < 0.01). Caregiver anxiety was related to poorer Caregiver HRQoL (p < 0.001) and Total Family Impact (p = 0.01), while caregiver depression was negatively related to Family Functioning (p = 0.01). Self-report of child somatic symptoms partially mediated the association between caregiver anxiety and depressive symptoms and the Total Family Impact.

    Conclusions and Inferences
    Findings indicate that child somatic symptoms are one pathway by which caregiver mental health may amplify the impact of pediatric DGBIs on the family. This highlights the importance of screening for child somatic symptoms and caregiver mental health in pediatric DGBI treatment.

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