The importance of external assessments: High school math and gender gaps in STEM degrees, 2022, Burgess et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by CRG, Nov 3, 2022.

  1. CRG

    CRG Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    (education research not medicine, concerns gender imbalance in STEM - may have influence on research further down the line, attitudes in medicine etc)

    The importance of external assessments: High school math and gender gaps in STEM degrees

    Simon Burgessa, Daniel Sloth Hauberg, Beatrice Schindler Rangvid, Hans Henrik Sievertsen

    We exploit the random allocation to a semi-external assessment in Math (SEAM) at the end of high school in Denmark to test the effect of SEAM on subsequent enrollment and graduation in post-secondary education. We find that SEAM in high school reduces the gender gap in graduation from post-secondary STEM degrees, and we discuss possible mechanisms. Our results show that cancelling external assessments, as was temporarily implemented in many regions during the COVID-19 pandemic, may impact gender differences in human capital accumulation in the long run.

    Blog article on the study:

    Why don’t more girls do science ?

    Why do fewer female students take maths and related subjects than male students? This became a highly controversial political issue in England in April 2022. The Chair of the Social Mobility Commission, Katharine Birbalsingh, speaking to a Parliamentary committee gave her opinion why fewer girls took physics A-level: “they don’t like it, there’s a lot of hard maths in there that I think they would rather not do”. A couple of months later, the holder of another high profile role, the Children’s Commissioner for England, Rachel de Souza, countered with the view that a more likely explanation was the lack of female role models in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths).

    more at:
    Sean, Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.

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