The Regulatory Roles of PPARs in Skeletal Muscle Fuel Metabolism and Inflammation: Impact of PPAR Agonism on Muscle in.., 2021, Crossland et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Full title: The Regulatory Roles of PPARs in Skeletal Muscle Fuel Metabolism and Inflammation: Impact of PPAR Agonism on Muscle in Chronic Disease, Contraction and Sepsis


    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) family of transcription factors has been demonstrated to play critical roles in regulating fuel selection, energy expenditure and inflammation in skeletal muscle and other tissues. Activation of PPARs, through endogenous fatty acids and fatty acid metabolites or synthetic compounds, has been demonstrated to have lipid-lowering and anti-diabetic actions. This review will aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the functions of PPARs in energy homeostasis, with a focus on the impacts of PPAR agonism on muscle metabolism and function. The dysregulation of energy homeostasis in skeletal muscle is a frequent underlying characteristic of inflammation-related conditions such as sepsis. However, the potential benefits of PPAR agonism on skeletal muscle protein and fuel metabolism under these conditions remains under-investigated and is an area of research opportunity. Thus, the effects of PPARĪ³ agonism on muscle inflammation and protein and carbohydrate metabolism will be highlighted, particularly with its potential relevance in sepsis-related metabolic dysfunction. The impact of PPARĪ“ agonism on muscle mitochondrial function, substrate metabolism and contractile function will also be described.

    Open access,
    alktipping, Peter Trewhitt and Kitty like this.

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