Tingling Fingertips

Discussion in 'General and other signs and symptoms' started by Squeezy, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Squeezy

    Squeezy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The couch
    When I use my hands, not on the phone for scrolling or typing, but for brushing my teeth, preparing food, that kind of thing, my fingertips tingle after.

    Sometimes it's down to the first joint on some fingers. They don't change colour.

    Sometimes it starts during the activity, if I'm doing it for long enough. It feels like a tiny version of pins and needles, like you get in a foot you've sat on.

    I've had it for a few months now. Each time it takes a couple of hours to pass. It's unpleasant rather than painful.

    I don't get it in my toes.

    Does anyone else experience this?
  2. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    On occasions, and not just my fingertips.

    As far as I am concerned it's just 'noise', I only worry about it when it's intense enough to disrupt whatever I am trying to do.

    It can get bad enough so that I can't feel anything else reliably.

    As it tends to be fairly persistent, when there isn't something to distract from it, one of the things it disrupts is getting to sleep.

    Which is 'nice'.

    I have no idea what it is, no idea what causes it, neither it seems does it interest my GP.

    Standard proviso - if it's new and it bothers you then go see a doctor.
  3. Squeezy

    Squeezy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The couch
    Oh, ANOTHER thing to ruin sleep. Yeah. Nice. The list is long.

    It's just annoying. I'm not worried. Ugh, stuff seeing the GP. Can't be bothered. Too crashed to waste the energy unless my fingers are actually falling off.

    I'm not looking for a reason for it.

    Just wondered if it was just me with weird fingers.

    Sorry yours are weird too.

    I'll post again if any other bits of me join in.
  4. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have similar pins and needles started on just the outside of both hands affecting the little fingers and now it is up to 3 fingers and the back of my hands . never mentioned it to a doctor just see it as a minor annoyance . although It might be small fibre neuropathy apparently common in fibro myalgia .
  5. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yep, I get it on the hands and feet. It disappears for a while and then comes back again.

    Never seems to happen around the time of an appointment so I've never asked about it. Or if I have the answer wasn't memorable. As far as I can remember :arghh:
  6. Squeezy

    Squeezy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The couch
    @Invisible Woman Well of course it doesn't happen when you see a doctor :woot:

    I hope my feet, especially just my toes, don't join in with it.

    @alktipping does it come and go, or is it, and I hope it isn't, constant? I think I prefer that it's all my fingers, and not just the little one :thumbsdown:

    I think that would be disconcertingly unbalanced to me.

    Small Fibre Neuropathy. Not even going to Google it.


    I've come so far!
  7. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    it comes and goes I have zero understanding of what triggers it for years I used to put it down to leaning on one arm of course that did not explain why it affects both hands . I do have shoulder impingement in both so that is another possibility .
    Squeezy, Wonko and Invisible Woman like this.
  8. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Numbness or tingling can happen if you have a nerve pinch, and depending where the pinch is, it can affect only certain fingers- look up ‘dermatome chart’

    Fingers and toes tingling would be more related to small fibre neuropathy where the most small nerves are affected.

    And of course, most of us here are not doctors and it would be best if you consulted your doctor to figure out what’s wrong for you.
    alktipping and Squeezy like this.
  9. Squeezy

    Squeezy Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The couch
    @alktipping oooh shoulder impingement can be nasty. I have bursitis in my right shoulder that flares up all the time and I get tingly sensations, as well as pain, in that arm from that.

    @Milo a pinched nerve somewhere may well cause it :emoji_thinking: It's totally symmetrical. Hmmm.
    Unless it starts being properly painful, I'm just not wasting my precious energy and emotional capacity with the GP.

    Thanks for the dermatone chart idea.
    alktipping likes this.
  10. Milo

    Milo Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    if this is a pinched nerve, you may find relief with a good massage, or simply trying to stretch your cervical spine by placing a tennis ball between your neck and the floor, or your neck and the wall and roll gently. Trying some stretching could also be helpful. Stretch your neck gently and stretch your shoulders as well.

    Edit: I am not a physio or a doctor for that matter.
    alktipping likes this.

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