Trauma Exposure and Functional Movement Characteristics of Male Tactical Athletes, 2020, Taylor et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    This looks to be all kinds of gobbledygook.
    PDF, open access,
    Invisible Woman and ScottTriGuy like this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's frankly advanced gobbledygook. The academic bubble in a nutshell, completely detached from reality.
    They're supposed to be healthy but they have significant bodily pain so I guess pain is not a health factor? Yes, you're in pain, but no, it's not health-related? Problem solved, I guess?
    But if there's a significant history of physical injury and bodily pain that doesn't scream completely healthy. Soldiers get injured so much they barely pay attention to how and when that happens so it's not as if they remember every time they got injured or can pinpoint exactly what they did to cause pain, it's not always apparent.

    It shows that everything that isn't about trauma was just an afterthought with not much effort. The obsession with trauma in medicine is seriously becoming farcical, especially as it's so easy to falsify but they always make sure never to be in a position to falsify their assumptions.

    This stats-twiddling with spreadsheets thing is basically the corporate world equivalent of powerpoint. They're just turning knobs until their conclusion pops out.
    alktipping, Invisible Woman and Andy like this.

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