UK Academy of Royal Colleges: Fixing the NHS Why we must stop normalising the unacceptable, 2022

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Suffolkres, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. Suffolkres

    Suffolkres Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Fixing the NHS: Why we must stop normalising the unacceptable

    Dame HSL

    'The Academy’s members, the UK and Ireland’s 24 medical royal colleges and faculties, between them represent over 220,000 doctors and while our normal concerns tend to be focused on the standards of education and training of the medical workforce, our primary concern has always been the quality of care patients receive. Collectively, we are not known for vocal campaigns and of necessity much of our work takes place behind the scenes. The ability to be quietly influential is a precious commodity and not something to be given away lightly. However, having watched health and care systems deteriorate to the point where we are genuinely concerned that many NHS services are no longer safe, we have no option but to speak out loudly and clearly. .....

    This report is not about blame — we are beyond that. It is about the need for us to be honest with ourselves and with each other about the NHS we have, the NHS we want and the NHS we can afford. They are not the same thing and it’s crucial we recognise that. Only then will we be able to step away from the 'we are very sorry, lessons must be learned' soundbite in response to yet another tragedy or the fantasy predictions that 'everything will be back to normal soon' and start to have a candid conversation about the change that surely needs to happen.We can no longer stand by while others seek to normalise the unacceptable when it comes to health and care.'

    Professor Dame Helen Stokes-LampardChair of Council, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
    janice, RedFox, Ariel and 10 others like this.
  2. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    So what exactly is the message of this piece. On the surface it is an admission by organisations that deal with quality of education and care that the situation has fallen below tolerable. Better late than never one might say.

    But what is this about an NHS we can afford? We can afford the NHS we want. Surely, the issue is the gap between what we want and what we have? I fear it is a veiled reference to the belief that too much money is going to hospitals and not enough to GP. But things might be more complicated.
    Mithriel, Wonko, MEMarge and 11 others like this.
  3. FMMM1

    FMMM1 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Think it was this program* which highlighted that the UK spends roughly the same as Spain & Portugal on the health (NHS) - countries like France & Germany spend much more.

    OK - Jonathan has highlighted the fact that the NHS needs more money - so really just confirmation.

    *BBC Radio 4
    The Briefing Room
    What's wrong with the NHS, and how do we fix it?
    alktipping and Peter Trewhitt like this.
  4. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    They won’t take money out of services that refuse to offer anything other than harmful outdated CBT and GET that has no use (so I guess no one turned up who wasn’t under pressure from elsewhere?).

    IAPT MUS had a fortune thrown at it. To pretend this is ONLY about money us ingenuine or deluded or both if you are going to claim patients’ interests as your concern driving the statement. They are a workers union so I assume even that claimed context is actually contextualised?

    But excuse me for calling out BS on that claim given they still lobby to breach guidelines day in day out since they finally got a compromised version through. Doing it only to cradle beloved bigotry and preferred jobs at the sacrifice of patients. Cry wolf on ‘we only want to help’ so many times and excuse us if we see the colleges’ priority isn’t patients at all unless that claim is useful for something else.

    But yes it is obvious things are unacceptable currently who would disagree unless your postcode and illness won the lottery. I’m not sure how much these guys are victims rather than part of that current situation as from the outsider it seems like a game of chicken with patients being stuck in the middle. And ‘grow up’ is what spring to mind. It must be horrendous for the good doctors to work in with the wrong people given power to bully, and not enough resources in the areas trying to help - just another issue.

    I want the details of what goes on, and is really being asked for/their differences out in the open more and so probably do most citizens having watched this read between the lines dance for so many years.

    it seems all v outdated for us to see these covid (EDIT: I think this word is a typo but don't know what word it was meant to be) in our name happening above our heads in todays days and age.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2022

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