UK: Conference: MitOX 2022 - 8th April 2022

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by Andy, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "The Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health invites you to MitOX 2022 on Friday 8th April 2022. It's our annual meeting packed with short talks and posters on cancer metabolism, neuroscience, diabetes, mitochondrial disorders and general mitochondrial biology. This one day hybrid conference is ideal for researchers with an interest in mitochondria from both academia and pharma. It will include a range of short talks and posters on cancer metabolism, neuroscience, diabetes, mitochondrial disorders and general mitochondrial biology."
    MEMarge, Wonko, Kitty and 2 others like this.
  2. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Karl has sent me the confirmed programme (see below) and asked me to highlight that registration is free for online attendance,

    MitOX 2022 April 8th

    9.00 Karl Morten (Oxford) Welcome

    9.05 Mitochondrial DNA, expression and recombination: Chair Jo Poulton (Oxford)

    9.05 Dan Mishmar (Israel) The impact of mitochondrial gene expression regulation, and its coordination with the nucleus, on disease

    9.30 Ana Victoria Lechuga-Vieco (Oxford) Mitochondrial heterogeneity: friend or foe?

    9.55 Yizhou Yu (Cambridge) Parp mutations protect from mitochondrial toxicity in Alzheimer’s disease

    10.10 Hansong Ma (Cambridge) A meiotic helicase drives recombination to safeguard animal mitochondrial genomes

    10.35 Coffee

    11.00 Cancer: Chair Rhiannon McGeehan (Portsmouth)

    11.00 Payam Gammage (Glasgow) The impact of cancer-associated mtDNA mutations on tumour metabolism and the microenvironment

    11.25 Markus Ralser (The Crick) The metabolic growth limitations of petite cells lacking the mitochondrial genome

    11.50 Nuno Santos Leal (Cambridge)Contacts between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum protect from mitochondrial toxicity by activating the PERK/ATF4 branch of ER stress

    12.05 Mike Duchen (UCL) Rewiring cell signalling pathways in pathogenic mtDNA mutations

    12.30 Sponsors Talks BMG Labtech, Promega, Agilent, Atlantic imaging

    13.00 Lunch & Poster session I

    14.00 Katharina Schlacher (Texas) BRCA/FANC tumor suppressor roles in mitochondrial genome instability and inflammation.

    1425 Mitophagy and Dynamics: Chair Tom Nichol (Oxford)

    14.25 Pollard Lecture William Mair (Harvard) Metabolic Flexibility, Mitochondrial Dynamics & Healthy Aging

    15.05 Brent Ryan (Oxford) Integrating animal and cellular models to understand mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease

    15.20 Tea & Poster Session II

    16.00 Mitochondrial medicine: Chair Kerstin Timm (Oxford)

    16.00 Leanne Hodson (Oxford) Tracing fat to determine factors influencing mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in human

    16.25 Lisa Heather (Oxford) Diabetic cardiac mitochondria are resistant to the regulation of respiration by lipid intermediates

    16.50 Robin Klemm (Oxford) Mechanisms controlling de novo lipogenesis based lipid droplet expansion during adiopcyte differentiation”

    17.15 Isabella Panfoli (Genova) The polyphenol Cirsiliol prevents the light-induced oxidative damage of the retinal rod outer segment in vitro

    17.30 Close Poster prizes
    Wonko and Trish like this.

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