UK govt: Open consultation: Acquired brain injury call for evidence, closes 6th June 2022

Discussion in 'Neurological diseases' started by Andy, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    "Executive summary

    This call for evidence will inform the development of the government’s acquired brain injury strategy. Rather than a formal consultation on specific proposals, it constitutes a request for ideas on which we can build.

    It will run for a period of 12 weeks and is open to everyone aged 16 and over. You can respond as an individual or on behalf of an organisation.

    The easiest way to participate in the call for evidence is to complete the online survey.

    An easy read version of the call for evidence is available.

    The call for evidence closes at 11.45pm on 6 June 2022."
    alktipping, Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.

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