Fitness fanatic GP struggling with long Covid Dr Allen is among 6,000 people who have been recovering from long Covid with the help of a special clinic at set up at Leicester's Glenfield Hospital in June 2020 and is now able to walk more than 6,000 steps. Dr Sanjay Bhandari, a consultant cardiologist who runs the clinic, said: "Long Covid is a real thing and it is debilitating. "We have patients like Ed who was very active, going to the gym three or four times a week then struggling to almost get out of the house. These are genuine symptoms. "Recovery is mostly through rehabilitation - not trying to push people too much but trying to give them the confidence to boost their exercise within limitations."
It very obviously isn't. Good grief. They just can't let go of this junk. There is clearly a process preventing it, FFS. Even some of the PACE gang said it, that actual rehabilitation doesn't take months, let alone years. This is madness.