Using Patient-Centered Clinical Neuroscience to Deliver the Diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND): Results..., 2020, Medina et al

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Andy, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    Full title: Using Patient-Centered Clinical Neuroscience to Deliver the Diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND): Results from an Innovative Educational Workshop
    Sci hub,
    Peter Trewhitt and Trish like this.
  2. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So tell doctors FND is a real disease and that treatments work and they will think that is a good thing. I wonder how much of the workshop was taken up with critically examining the evidence and explaining how to rule out neurological diseases with obscure presentations such as myotonic dystrophy where cataracts, frontal balding and trouble opening your eyes after a bright light is shone on them are the critical criteria.
  3. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    A "patient-centered" copy-paste study, of which there are dozens of identical iterations, that does not include any patients and aims to teach clinicians to better lie to their patients is impressive peak FND. It's very "patient-centered" to lie to patients, folks. When a diagnosis is correct you do not have to sell it to patients, the very idea is completely absurd. This looks very much like the kind of garbage teaching material Gerada featured in decades ago, showing no one is learning from experience in this damned ideology, that even years of use in practice mean nothing, will not even be taken into account while selling the hypothetical benefits of this if it had any basis in reality.

    Really odd that they ask about patients being manipulative when the very idea of "those patients" being manipulative comes out of the BPS/MUS/FND ideology. As usual, they point to their own failure as evidence that they are succeeding. Somehow. It's also really odd that they ask opinions about basic facts. Why ask about clinicians' opinions about treatment when there are no effective treatments? This is not supposed to be subject to opinion, it is literal disinformation, which they then rate by counting how well the disinformation has been accepted, the very same process of medical gaslighting they use with patients.

    This whole thing is basically a cult.

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