Webinar: Disbelief and Disregard: Gendered Experiences of Health and Social Care for people with Energy Limiting Conditions, 2.00pm (BST) on 14th Sept

Discussion in 'ME/CFS research news' started by Andy, Aug 29, 2023.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK
    From an email.

    "We are excited to share the findings of a research project led by disabled women and funded by the British Academy and Leverhulme Fund.

    In 2022 Chronic Illness Inclusion collected testimonies of healthcare encounters from women, including trans women and non-binary people, with energy limiting conditions (ELCs). ELCs like fibromyalgia, lupus, ME/CFS and Long Covid are too often 'invisible' to society, poorly understood by medical science and under-diagnosed. We heard powerful evidence of how these medical encounters impact many dimensions of our lives, and the support we do, or do not, receive as disabled people. The testimonies sparked a partnership with researchers from Liverpool and Liverpool Hope Universities, who themselves share lived experience of ELCs.

    Join our webinar to hear how the testimonies have now formed the basis of policy briefings and recommendations for a more empowering health and social care system, watch our brilliant new animation, and find out how you can get involved in the next stage of the project.

    Research findings launch webinar: 14th September
    Disbelief and Disregard: Gendered Experiences of Health and Social Care for people with Energy Limiting Conditions

    For the last 18 months, researchers from University of Liverpool, Liverpool Hope University and Chronic Illness Inclusion have been researching gendered experiences of disbelief and disregard in relation to Energy Limiting Conditions (ELCs) also referred to as Energy Limiting Chronic Illness (ELCI).

    Join us at 2.00pm (BST) on 14th September 2023 for a 90min webinar (with two short breaks) as we launch the policy report and animation which document the results of the research. There will be time for a Q&A. We will also launch a new project with opportunities for people with ELC/ELCI to get involved.

    This webinar will launch resources from the research, including:
    • A series of briefing papers and a research report based on original data collected by Chronic Illness Inclusion. This demonstrates the barriers to care experienced by people with ELCs.
    • A short animation by Stacy Bias of YourStory.studio and Ell Rose of Fourfooteleven.com that summarises the experiences of disbelief faced by people with ELCs in health care.
    • We will also launch a new project with opportunities for people with ELC/ELCI to get involved.
    Access information:
    The webinar will take place on zoom at 2.00pm 14th September 2023. It will last 90 minutes including two short breaks. Live captioning will be turned on. There will be live BSL translation. The webinar will be recorded to be made available online afterwards.

    Register for the webinar here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/research-findings-launch-gender-health-care-energy-limiting-conditions-tickets-692346626397?aff=oddtdtcreator

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    From the team at Chronic Illness Inclusion and the Disbelief and Disregard project
    Find out more about the project here http://disbeliefdisregard.uk/ "
    bobbler, Sean, alktipping and 9 others like this.

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