What Is a Neuroplastician?

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by CRG, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. CRG

    CRG Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Psychology Today

    What Is a Neuroplastician?

    Key points

    Neuroplasticity enhances learning and memory via new neural connections.
    Brain recovery is possible in later stages of life, aiding injuries or diseases.
    Neuroplasticians rewire brains, enabling better learning and habits.

    Ever wanted to change habits? Emotional, psychological, or social, like overcoming anxiety or learning new skills? If so, you might benefit from the expertise of a neuroplastician.
    What Exactly Is a Neuroplastician?

    And how can they help you achieve lasting change? Let's discover how a neuroplastician can support you in building new healthy habits that sustain well-being.
    But First: What Is Neuroplasticity?

    Neuroplasticity is a concept that has transformed our understanding of the human brain. This is the capacity of the brain to change and adapt, even in adulthood, through the formation of new neural connections. Let’s start with two kinds of neuroplasticity:

    A. Structural plasticity refers to the physical changes in the brain's structure, such as the growth of new neurons or the formation of new connections between existing neurons, which contribute to learning and memory.

    B. Synaptic plasticity, on the other hand, involves the strengthening or weakening of existing connections between neurons, affecting the efficiency of neural communication.

    Behavioral tools that drive neuroplasticity are all about B and include activities like learning new skills, practicing mindfulness, engaging in physical exercise, and adopting positive habits, all of which can promote the rewiring and adaptation of the brain for improved cognitive function and emotional well-being.

    More of this nonsense at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/brain-reboot/202310/what-is-a-neuroplastician

    Neuroplasticity without the babble: Adult Neuroplasticity: More Than 40 Years of Research
    Hutan likes this.
  2. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand

    I found that paper your recommend @CRG on Adult Neuroplasticity an interesting read. Clearly a lot of things remain to be worked out.

    Here's some bits I found interesting before I ran out of steam:

    That means that any study of dendritic morphology in ME/CFS or depression or any chronic illness where people aren't necessarily following a normal diurnal rhythm needs to consider diurnal fluctuation.

    Despite the 'established fact', the paper then casts some doubt on brain morphology findings related to depression - it seems rather unclear.

    The paper notes that some initial findings turned out to be wrong, due to technical difficulties, and that there is still a lot to be understood.
    MeSci, EzzieD, Sean and 2 others like this.

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