Whole-Body Photobiomodulation Therapy Propels the Fibromyalgia Patient into the Recomposition Phase: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis 2024 Fitzmaurice+

Discussion in ''Conditions related to ME/CFS' news and research' started by Andy, May 26, 2024.

  1. Andy

    Andy Committee Member

    Hampshire, UK

    Background: Recent evidence has identified great promise for the novel whole-body photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) for individuals with fibromyalgia (FM). However, currently no evidence has documented the experiences of participants. The objective of this study was to qualitatively assess treatment experience and response in a group of participants with FM undergoing a course of whole-body PBMT.

    Methods: An interpretive hermeneutic phenomenological study situated within the worldview of pragmatism was undertaken. A convenience sample of individuals with FM were included if they had undertaken a novel 6-week trial of PBMT. Individuals undertook semi-structured interviews exploring treatment experience and multidimensional treatment responses during Week 3 and Week 6.

    Results: Sixteen trial participants (47.3 ± 10.9 years) took part in this study. The analysis produced three overarching themes that were previously identified from a baseline study (namely, ‘Body Structure & Function’, ‘Activities & Participation’, and ‘Environment’) with an additional five sub-themes that highlighted the intervention experience. Subsequently, four important processes were observed and identified: increased motivation; feeling proud; improved confidence; feeling like ‘old self’. This ultimately culminated in the identification of a positive spiral, which we have termed ‘recomposition’.

    Conclusions: We believe our study is the first in the field of chronic pain management to utilise qualitative methodology to directly assess the acceptability and efficacy of a specific medical intervention in a clinical trial, and the first study to qualitatively assess whole-body PBMT experience. The findings are compelling and warrant further work to support the introduction of this device into the National Health Service (NHS).

    Open access, https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/12/5/1116
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  2. Joan Crawford

    Joan Crawford Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Warton, Carnforth, Lancs, UK
    I wish they would explain more what whole-body photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is, in the paper :sneaky:

    I've benefited from whole body (except my head) NIR hyperthermia. I hope this confers benefit and is way less invasive, can be self administered and requires a lot less kit.

    Interesting to see these interventions which might reduce pain experienced and improve QoL :)
    Last edited: May 28, 2024
    Peter Trewhitt likes this.
  3. shak8

    shak8 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Low-level laser therapy, cold laser = photobiomodulation

    The modality is lacking adequate studies for almost all illnesses/diseases it is touted for.

    That said, if it were covered by insurance, I might try it for FM upper body areas of pain.

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