WOMEN’S MARCH - This Weekend!!

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by MErmaid, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    As a vocal member of the majority group in the American population, we are returning for an encore performance this year!!

    Women will be taking it to the streets, in a massive global way, fighting for equality!!


    Girl Power! Woman Power! Health Equality!

    USA: https://www.womensmarch.com/

    Global: https://www.womensmarchglobal.com/look-back-march-forward (Scroll to bottom of page)

    Not marching, then host a Livestream party to celebrate this historic event:


    Edited to add: “First they Marched, Now they’re Running”

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
  2. Luther Blissett

    Luther Blissett Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That movement was co-opted quickly :(

    It's not really my place to say I have a problem with it,
    but there are interesting critiques around from women.
  3. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    It’s expected that change and controversy will appear in conversations involving social and political protests. I still recall, in the 7th grade, reading about those “radical” women suffragettes with their unreasonable demands....

    “Ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote—a right known as woman suffrage. At the time the U.S. was founded, its female citizens did not share all of the same rights as men, including the right to vote.”

    Le Resistance!!!
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2018
    Little Bluestem likes this.
  4. Luther Blissett

    Luther Blissett Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I was gently trying to point out that things like female voting existed for a long time in North America, (late 1490's?) and certain groups are still left out of the conversation.
    Little Bluestem likes this.

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