@Brian Hughes @Tom Kindlon this is reality. Whilst I do welcome Keith Geraghty's venture in paediatrics, I have significant concerns re the...
This needs to be widely disseminated. I am considering sending to my GP.
Some of the deckchairs are being nailed to the deck.
What new NICE guidance ?
After a strong morning coffee i have revisited this. I think this reaction may be tied to specific groups of man made chemicals. As the vit D...
I had an interesting conversation with ER doctor after they had consulted the on duty pharmacist. My daughter has reacted to different medicines -...
We had a rheumatology appointment last week - trying to rule out stuff as joint pain in particular is worsening. Lovely doctor but clueless. She...
Except certain E numbers - not used in food , but commonplace in medicine . The common side effects of many drugs ( itching, rashes, etc) not be...
The fascinating part of the presentation was the analsis of what the enzymes did. There are probably many other genes where function overlaps...
Cortisol seems important as ( as far as i can tell and i coukd be wrong) it has no " nested control" system as Barry has previously described-...
Perhaps of interest to @dave30th ans @Mark Vink as it seens to repeat issues highlighted with other paediatric studies.
Action for ME have welfare officers who an help advise on this stuff - email welfare@actionforme.org.uk
Transcript of Dr. Speight interview https://www.prohealth.com/library/video-nigel-speight-me-in-children-part-2-32465
Nigel Speight used this with some success in paediatric cases . I' m sure I saw this in an interview clip.
Nina Muirhead visited one of the mum's on a parent's forum and came across as caring, supportive and determined to address the inequalities in...
For some reason dairy prompts skin reaction and a bit of gut discomfort. Mainly milk, cream , cheese. Did try ghee last year and seems to be a...
Thank you for responding as i was elsewhere. I had a friend in the late 1980s who was a heamophiliac , was affected and sadly died from from AIDS.
This is the UK. Generally it seems that if there is a cock up / scandal that we wait until either people are dead, or no longer practising (...
Thank you for your persistence. I think they are secretly hoping that you give up.
Separate names with a comma.