From the section on Privacy Information Well if they have your NHS number surely they can find your name and address easily enough? :mad:...
At this rate she'll beat her husband to be Her Ladyship before he becomes His Lordship. :yuck:
So does that mean they just read the abstracts? :rolleyes: I'm horribly afraid it does? :mad: If that's the case this is as useless as most other...
So is this a good enough reason to use mirtazapine? Sounds to me like they're just making it up as they're going along. Of course they don't even...
This is a bit off topic, but I just filled in a questionnaire for the UK BioBank (Not the ME BioBank) on Pain and Sensation. It was interesting,...
So are you going to give them your feedback?
OMG that's torture for anyone with ME! :eek: I'd be lucky if I was upright after 30 seconds. :rolleyes:
Lets hope we don't have to wait that long for our bete noire.
Or possibly 15th century? Their raison d'etre seems more priest than doctor. And they have that certainty that they are right that we are lead to...
But their field isn't dying - there's a crisis in Mental Health care in UK. Children who are suicidal are having to wait 8 weeks for help (I may...
Not particularly deadly ;) but inconvenient. :rolleyes: 6 foot tall plumber installs shower for 5 foot 2 inch woman. Can't be moved as he's...
And on amazon uk there's only a single review, giving it one star. Worth taking a look!...
Maybe I went over the top, but I got all my medical records since I was first ill with ME (around 25 years worth) from my GP practice! Meant my...
I recommend Fightback4Justice, who are in Bury, but they can help via phone/email etc. I wrote more about them and my PIP experience on your...
Yes, I got that too. So I copied and pasted the URL and it worked. Weird!
Criminals now make more money from these counterfeits than they do from illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine Tue 19 Feb 2019 12.53 GMTFirst...
That is just so incredibly sad for the inventor. :cry:
Surely that should be "Lowlights"? Grrr.
It was Ghostery wot stopped it - just in case anyone else has the same problem. Thanks @Andy.
Afraid I can't get the survey to load.
Separate names with a comma.