NYD-N? Please spell out this acronym I’ve never heard of it.
Andrew Gwynne UK MP interviewed by Matt Frei on LBC Radio about post viral symptoms [MEDIA]
Thanks @PhysiosforME for being role model for your colleagues in other professions :thumbup:
No but he is very accessible on Facebook he replies to comments.
It’s similar to planning a project. You can plan in advance for what ideally you need to do in week a b c d etc and what has to be in place for...
Interesting tweet from Paul Garner [MEDIA] And @dave30th has tweeted him [MEDIA]
You definitely deserve hobnob status @Wonko The potato supplier is basically a scammer. Shockingly poor.
Presumably there is a manual?
I think it can depend on what you eat as well I get a boost off sugary food but feel rubbish later.
Ok good point. I think people would understand that if it was made explicit.
There’s a report about the letter but it doesn’t link to the content of the letter itself
It doesn’t appear to be on ME A website, don’t understand why not.
If it’s on the NICE website it is technically publicly available. But like when the CDC removed GET/CBT not publicised. So the minimum has been...
Why don’t they just do the 1 to 1s or group session among themselves save the bother for patients? They’ve already got the draft findings before...
Funny you say that I had one on the side of the middle knuckle of my left index finger when I was a teenager. I didn’t fancy having that Strong...
15 participants 9 authors- am I just a mega cynic but I’m going to say why on earth?
The same model can be applied.........oh yes indeed any shape of peg can be hammered into this standard hole
England based folks who are able to book deliveries ahead might want to make sure you get your slots as part of the rumblings against face masks...
Maybe a poem - rhyming options digestif, aperitif
Thanks for getting it broken up - great idea will take a look
Separate names with a comma.