They actually call it "Armchair Expert" :rofl:
Thank you - I was bending my brain trying to understand the significance of that figure!
A lot of verbiage that doesn't address the question about the closure of services.
"The studies will continue until morale improves."
It'll be interesting to see a bit more info on this when available - how many people, how were they selected, what kind of LC they were...
That's just reminded me of when the TV dietician Gillian McKeith told people that when you eat green vegetables the chlorophyll oxygenates your blood.
The statement has now been changed to 'Long Covid patients are at a higher risk of going on to develop PTSD'. The link is to a UCL leaflet on Long...
It's so transparent. You'd think they'd be embarrassed.
*sad trombone noise*
As far as I can find out by googling, it's when blood vessels in a certain area of the brain react especially strongly to the vasoactive stimulus...
I've emailed to suggest they correct the statement that 'Roughly one in 10 long Covid patients go on to be diagnosed with PTSD' - that's from a...
It's a shame the article leans so heavily on Ben Sinclair, but at least he doesn't get to do his psychobehavioural spiel.
oh dear...
Will do. Thank you!
11 months, god that's dreadful. Thanks for the advice. I'll end up cobbling something together!
No, there's a newer version since last year. Thank you so much for looking though.
I have to do a PIP review. I was hoping I'd be able to download the AR1 form as a PDF, fill it in on computer, print off and send it, which is...
"Correlation doesn't equal causation" is something they teach to primary-school children, but apparently you can skip that lesson and still go on...
One of those rather annoying articles in which the authors quite correctly make the point that the existing literature suffers from vagueness of...
Severity: 2.1 or 2.0 on FUNCAP. Most of day resting with feet up, can only leave house occasionally with a helper. Mostly managing to stick to a...
Separate names with a comma.