Thank you for your replies. Sorry I didn’t explain the context of my friends comment - we weren’t talking specifically about my ME at the time....
Thanks for starting this thread @Sarah94, it’s really helpful. I’m curious to know what people think of this comment a friend made to me in an...
Abstract Intuition is a decision-making method that is used unconsciously by experienced practitioners but is inaccessible to the novice. It is...
I’m very sorry to hear this news. Gary, if you’re reading this, thank you so much for all of your earlier work in helping to raise awareness about...
Thank you @dave30th for all the work you continue to do on behalf of people with ME/CFS. You’ve done so much for us. It’s always a pleasure to...
So sorry to hear that @Binkie4 :(. I hope you get some improvement soon. xx
I’m curious to know what those of you who have had 2 doses of vaccines are now comfortable doing? Have you changed your behaviour much since...
I had my 2nd dose of Pfizer last Friday. The side effects from the second dose were much worse for me than the first dose (which as mentioned...
It varies. My parents were both sent letters with an appointment time, date and place (a vaccination centre). The letter did not state which...
Hi Tia. It was because the clinical trials showed that the efficacy (the percentage reduction of disease in the vaccinated group of people...
Just a quick update to say that I was able to get the Pfizer vaccine after turning down my first invitation for Oxford/AstraZeneca a couple of...
I declined an invitation yesterday to make a vaccine appointment because the only option currently available at my local surgery is...
And as promised here’s the transcript of what Paul Garner’s said: That’s all of it. I’m off for a rest now.
Here’s the transcript of what Clare Gerada said: I will do the transcript for PG’s bit in a separate post, I’m about halfway through it now.
It might take me some time but I will try do a transcript of the relevant segment of the BBC Breakfast News piece. Will post back here later on.
Thank you @Snow Leopard for your thoughts on this. I'm surprised that the optimum timing for a second dose of vaccine isn't something that has...
[ETA: The following was a response to a post which has now been deleted. The post was removed because I had got confused (often happens) and...
According to Hilda Bastian the data on preventing severe illness with the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is "almost non-existent" [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.