If I had to quantify it, for me Abilify gave a sustained ~3-5% increase in my capacity to function and quality of life, undiminished over time. I...
An end of year update from me. I'm close to 18 months in, and Abilify continues to be effective. I take 0.25mg/daily. The cognitive gains I...
I checked back on the article; it's still peppered with BPS lingo and theorem. The passages quoted by @Sly Saint above are unchanged. However I...
It certainly looks that way. I sent them a polite message explaining, in a few lines, the controversy surrounding the PACE trial and the...
GET and CBT. How are we still not past this. Unbelievable. :arghh:
Came across this video on my YouTube feed today. SciShow seem to get it :) [MEDIA]
If you can't recapture Jerusalem, might as well sack Constantinople instead, right?
It is important to remember that the BPS lobby is particularly powerful in the Netherlands and that many professionals active in the field of CFS...
PEM is now listed. Hooray!
It's interesting. The medical memoir "Awakenings" on encephalitis lethargica by Dr. Sacks has been on my mind. Sacks treated survivors of the...
I emailed them about the surprising omission of PEM (ie. the hallmark of the disease) on the MECFS symptoms list. I received a response thanking...
Yap, low-dose aripiprazole is not a silver bullet. And while I'm reluctant to place agency with a drug's end-user, I do think it's important to...
An update from me. I've been on Abilify 0.2mg/day five months now, and I'm still (much) better than I was prior to starting the med. To qualify...
This seems to be the same group / lead author that previously reported adrenergic autoantibodies in POTS (Li et al. 2014). They also found both...
I had my second Pfizer jab earlier this week; like the first, it was uneventful and anticlimactic, giving me a seriously sore arm but thankfully...
I see. Good to know!
I revisited this paper with recent insights into apipiprazole (Abilify) in mind. Both OSU6162 and Abilify are dopamine system stabilisers that...
Ah, yes. It was this video interview with Dr. Gottfries that I watched forever ago. And my timeline was off by a decade or two - late 1950s, not...
There's this story of a doctor who contracted ME in the 1970s / 1980s and found that, for whatever reason, intermittently injecting himself with...
We have basically zero reliable data on ME disease progression. There's also an important distinction, I think, between those who are able to pace...
Separate names with a comma.