Hello all. Just spotted these really thoughtful messages. You are all incredibly kind. Thank you. ❤️
Thanks, all, for sharing this here. I’m somewhat blown away by how much it’s been shared (120,000 views on Facebook and Twitter since Saturday)....
Thanks, all, for your feedback, guest suggestions, transcripts and kind words about series two. We broke through the 30,000 downloads barrier this...
Morning all. Australian medical researcher Dr Mark Guthridge is my guest on today’s tenth episode of The ME Show podcast (the last in this...
Morning all. Episode nine of The ME Show is out, today. I speak to MP Carol Monaghan about Prof Michael Sharpe, ‘that’ Rod Liddle column, the...
Well said!
Morning all. Episode 8 is live this morning. I speak to Dr Nina Muirhead who was diagnosed with ME two years ago. She now devotes much of her...
Morning all. Episode four of The ME Show is out today. I speak to Dr Nigel Speight, a GP who fights the corner of families caught up in...
Hello all. Episode three of The ME Show is out today. I speak to Caroline Kingdon from the ME CFS Biobank in London. I learned a lot, and hope you...
Amazing. Thank you!
Morning all. Episode two is out today, featuring Linda Tannenbaum of the Open Medicine Foundation. I found it an utterly fascinating...
Episode one, out today, features a ‘where are we?’ round up from Dr Charles Shepherd. There’ll be new episodes each Monday.
Morning all. Series two of The ME Show has just gone live. You can listen online at www.meassociation.org.uk/themeshow Or you can subscribe,...
Hi all. Sooooooooooo sorry for the radio silence. This past month has been my boomiest and bustiest yet in my attempt to do 'some' work. It all...
Hello all We’re up to episode 9 of The ME Show, out today. I speak to Chantelle who set up a friendship group online in Gloucestershire. The...
Hi all Episode 8 of The ME Show is now live. For me, a really powerful listen and an honest insight into life as a carer of somebody with severe...
Hi all - slightly tangental, but I hope still relevant... Just to let you know episode 10 of my podcast The ME Show (out in two weeks) will be...
You are all the loveliest people. I try to post here each Monday morning when a podcast goes live but have only just managed to get here now. I...
The best feedback. You've made my day, @Trish!!!
Morning all. Episode 6 of The ME Show is out today, featuring this forum's very own @Trish who speaks openly and honestly about how both she and...
Separate names with a comma.