5HT tests for CFS

Discussion in 'Laboratory and genetic testing, medical imaging' started by bobbler, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Something I have now seen a number of times over the last few months is people who have just been diagnosed talking about how it has been confirmed with a 5HT test. It would seem the healthcare (NHS-based it seems, maybe all from similar or the same place?) involved states this to be some sort of diagnostic test for CFS if at the correct abnormal levels (who knows what that is).

    Has anyone else heard of this?
  2. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I am not a GP, doctor, medical anything.

    5HT is serotonin.

    I am unaware of a specific/useful serotonin test, there probably is one (although AFAIK it's generally produced in fairly local/specific areas, so levels in the blood/saliva/urine 'may' be irrelevant to those in tissues that need it), standard policy at least used to be to simply assume it was low (without any testing) and prescribe serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and see if they 'helped'.

    At least this used to be NHS standard operating procedure when dealing with things with the same, or similar, symptoms as ME.

    To treat it as depression/anxiety.

    I'd think it's one of the reasons why they keep saying that pwME have a history of depression/anxiety - coz NHS standard operating procedure is/was to treat it as such for as long as they can get away with it.

    In conclusion - any notional 5HT test is IMO most definitely not a test for ME.

    More a reflection of the prejudices of whomever is talking about it.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
    alktipping, Mij, MeSci and 6 others like this.
  3. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    That is my concern somewhat. These seem to be official letters by the looks from an NHS service saying this with some certainty of statement and patient being relieved to finally get diagnosis etc.
  4. TigerLilea

    TigerLilea Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Metro Vancouver, BC - Canada
    Isn't this test used for testing for Carcinoid tumours?
  5. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've no idea - probably different 'ends' ie one high, one low they are looking at if so.

    I've mainly flagged it as it seems like an NHS service is writing letters saying 'we did the 5HT receptor test and it was low which is consistent with CFS' ie as if this is being used as a diagnostic by them/and the impression that would give to e.g. GPs etc.

    It seemed unusual to me and didn't know where to put it (toyed with the implementation/clinics bit) as seen on social media and don't want to guess/name which one without context, but I have a feeling I've seen this same thing enough times now to wonder if it is a 'trend/protocol' from one place - the main thing was sparse as I was slightly 'fishing' to see if anyone else has seen/noticed similar

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