A-level results: Student with ME gets As

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by MeSci, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    I don't think this is necessarily exceptional - I got a 2 in my first Open University degree with ME (might have got a 1/distinction if circumstances hadn't been so dire), and a distinction-grade Masters - both in science.

    I took my later exams at home too. It's gone out of the window in the last 2 and a quarter years though.

    I hope she takes it easy.

    Source: BBC News

    Date: August 16, 2018



    A-level results: Student with ME gets As

    An A-level student with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has won a place at university after being allowed to sit her exams at home. Katie Livings, 18, from Clifton, York, achieved As in history and French, an A* in Extended Project Qualification and a B in English. She can go on
    to study a law and French law course at the University of Kent. The Mount School student said: 'I was not expecting those grades so I am really happy. I missed a lot of school but they were so good and really supportive.'

    Thanking the staff at the school, Miss Livings said: 'They let me take my exams at home and very kindly some teachers came to invigilate. I wouldn't have been able to do it without them and their support.'

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). The teenager said she wrote about her illness, which she has had for the past five years, in her Extended Project Qualification course. She said she intended to start at university this year after her condition had improved over the summer.
    Little Bluestem, AnneM, Barry and 8 others like this.
  2. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    It's a useful article - it gives a brief idea of what good education support for students with ME/CFS looks like. And shows that good support (rather than harassment for poor attendance) can help create a good outcome.

    Well done to Katie and her family; I'm sure it was a hard road at times. I hope all goes well for her in the coming year.

    It's great that Katie felt comfortable enough to write about her illness for her extended project, and to feature in this article. Maybe it's a sign of attitudes towards ME/CFS changing more broadly.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
    Little Bluestem, AnneM, Barry and 9 others like this.
  3. Dechi

    Dechi Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I’m happy for this young woman but I am not completely sure how I feel about this article. There are several levels of ME and many afflicted people, although they have, or used to have, the IQ to score A’s, would simply not be capable of attending classes, let alone study.

    I’ve read one study somewhere (can’t remember when or where) about someone with ME whose IQ was tested and it had dropped 10-20 points or so with the illness. ME brings on so many cognitive problems that the intellect is greatly affected. Not only that, but the ability to learn necessitates energy and mental endurance, which many PWME don’t have.

    I guess I’m just afraid some people might read this and think it applies to the general ME population. There should have been more context as to the severity of the woman’s ME, in comparison to other people more severe. Just so other’s don’t have to be on the defensive (again) about not trying enough...
  4. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    In terms of school support it should probably be noted that the Mount School in York is a fee paying independent school, so her parents will have been paying a lot of money for her education. In that context it is less surprising that the school were able to provide her with support and special arrangements that most cash strapped state schools don't provide.
    Little Bluestem, AnneM, Barry and 6 others like this.
  5. Dolphin

    Dolphin Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Would the school necessarily be willing to pay? In my country, if you are part of the public health system, you can get home tuition for free but if you’re not, you’re not eligible. I don’t recall hearing a private school here then supplying or paying for home tuition.
    Barry, Squeezy and Luther Blissett like this.
  6. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    The only information in the article is about home exams, not home tuition. Given the subjects she was doing I imagine she could have done most of her studying at home, just going to school part time when she was able. But the article doesn't spell that out. We can only speculate - maybe they skyped or recorded lessons she missed.

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