Anyone have trouble writing by hand?

Discussion in 'Home adaptations, mobility and personal care' started by Kitty, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. ladycatlover

    ladycatlover Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Liverpool, UK
    I missed all the lessons on how to do joined up hand writing. I think it might have been down to measles. I used to be able to manage OK if I wrote very small, not sure why! But the teachers wouldn't allow that. Grrr.

    Nowadays every Christmas I have to write out 6 cheques for family. It takes me 3 days. OH does all the cards, and I just try and sign them, though that's quite difficult too.
    Wonko, Kitty, MeSci and 2 others like this.
  2. Webdog

    Webdog Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Holodeck #2
    Yes, since first learning to write as a child. Missing letters, omitted words, pen strokes in the wrong direction, etc. Difficulty gripping a pencil/pen, painful writing cramps.

    It's not such a problem these days with keyboards and touchscreens. Still, words get omitted and letters reversed.

    I've found a tactile keyboard (such as Das Keyboard) much easier to use, with fewer typing mistakes and less fatigue. Though with how I smash the keys, a tactile keyboard can be a bit loud.
  3. DigitalDrifter

    DigitalDrifter Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I had to spread out signing my name on my postal voting form over three days to avoid over doing it. I was using a ball point pen, I haven't used a fountain pen since I was 12.
  4. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    So true! I love Rhodia and Stálogy paper :) My favourite fountain pen for everyday use is Pilot Metropolitan. I use a converter, which makes the pen very easy to refill with bottled ink.
  5. AliceLily

    AliceLily Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I used to have a good signature before ME. Every letter was written and someone I worked with even admired it when they saw my timesheet and how I signed each day.

    Then I got early ME, at the time I didn't know it was ME and suddenly I could no longer write my full signature. I still today (24 years later) write a short version of it. I just can't keep the flow going to do the full signature and it also feels like the brain can't follow through - not sure if there is involvement in that way but it is very strange.
    MeSci, ladycatlover, Wonko and 3 others like this.
  6. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm not sure of when it was, maybe when a parent died, but my siblings and I all had to sign paperwork. This was shortly before I was diagnosed and they really took the proverbial -

    " What the hell is that? "
    "My name!"
    " In klingon? "

    Yessica, MeSci, AliceLily and 5 others like this.

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