Article: Recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome as an intra-active process, 2019, Synne Groven and Dahl-Michelson

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic research - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by Andy, Sep 13, 2019.

  1. adambeyoncelowe

    adambeyoncelowe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's basically Schroedinger's cat stuff. Classic postmodern literature theory spiced with quantum theory:
    Everything is everything, and can be understood and can exist in multiple ways prior to human observation. In observing something, the multitudes of understanding and being collapse into a single form so that we can understand it.

    Just as light can be a wave or a particle at once, and only resolves into one or the other when measured, everything else is equally both one thing and many others until we look at it and make it just one thing.

    So a chair might be a bed until we enter the room, for instance, or purple might be a sound and no might really mean yes. In short, it doesn't really work. It's just literary masturbation.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2019
    Annamaria, Tobedyl, oldtimer and 10 others like this.
  2. Mithriel

    Mithriel Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    When they started with their GET rubbish Ramsay said that what defines ME as a disease is that it is made worse by exercise so if anyone gets better with exercise they do not have ME by definition.

    LP cannot cure the biological deficit in energy production which is the hallmark of ME anymore than shouting stop to yourself can cure a stomach ulcer. If someone claims that it has done so we can safely say that they never had an ulcer in the first place.

    If the BPSers cannot accept the 2 day CPET testing results as showing proof that ME is a disease where energy production deficits are ongoing because there have not been enough people tested then we need more evidence than anecdote to accept that human physiology must be rewritten (as Brian Hughes so clearly stated)

    Saying that this woman did not have ME is our right because if she had ME she would not be cured. She may have had something else which was misdiagnosed as CFS or she may have had a postviral or she may have had ME but was going into remission (just possible but what a coincidence) and if it was a remission how dare she claim a cure.

    Sticking her head up, bad mouthing other ME patients, helping someone who is exploiting suffering patients and making life more difficult for all of us (the definition of a hate crime) why should we give her the benefit of the doubt. it is like saying "maybe some parts of the earth are flat" Some things are just plain wrong.
    Annamaria, Lisa108, Simbindi and 6 others like this.
  3. Anna H

    Anna H Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  4. Forbin

    Forbin Senior Member (Voting Rights)


    "But thats so, easy! I should have thought of it myself!" ;)

    Medfeb, Annamaria, Anna H and 3 others like this.
  5. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    I just left one FB page after someone calling themselves a doctor insisted that acupuncture cures many diseases. I asked for list, was told to research it my self. I called BS and checked out.
  6. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    Check this for a response:

    Paul Welsh I think these modern illnesses are here to break paradigms. This illness is multi systemic and complex. It’s not very unscientific to use different ways to get well. I relish in her healing process and hoe we all will figure out how to recover our health.
  7. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    Sure, there’s many ways to improve symptoms, but the insistence here was that acupuncture was a cure.
  8. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    I suggest this person never had ME in the first place or the remission was a coincidence, which is perfectly plausible. You either wake up in the morning feeling like roadkill or you do not. You CAN NOT wish it away. I do wish more people in public forums had the nerve to correct woolly thinking.
    Annamaria, rvallee and oldtimer like this.
  9. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    It’s ok to call bullshit for what it is. We will never end the stigma unless we filter and oppose the bullshit.
  10. TheBassist

    TheBassist Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Sussex UK
    That looks like Deepak Chopra word salad. Enjoy the link!

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