As a psychologist I see the fantasy of neoliberal values having a devastating effect on mental healt

Discussion in 'Other psychosomatic news and research' started by Hoopoe, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. Skycloud

    Skycloud Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It's interesting you say this. In the history of England taxes originated as an income source for the King, especially if he wanted to build a palace or go to war or similar, and expanded and evolved from there over centuries. The idea that taxes are collected for the common good is a more recent one and the truth of it isn't simple
  2. Skycloud

    Skycloud Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I'm just refering to taxes in the UK my last post
    Inara likes this.
  3. MErmaid

    MErmaid Guest

    Under the Sea
    I live in the U.S. and find that people use many terms to intentionally dismiss others. In my life I have been called derogatory names because I am essentially winning the arguement/debate, and my “opponent” (lacking any credible facts) feels backed into a corner. If we banned discussing a name included in a title of an article, especially when the name means different things in different cultures, and/or the name has evolved into different meanings over time, then the rules in this forum would be extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain.

    I am fine if the controversial term always includes quotation marks.

    Being in this forum has also taught me that simple words or expressions can mean different things to different people. Again I think that using quotes is a way to use the term/expression. If the poster can explain what the term/expression means to them, that would be helpful too.

    I am also continuing to realize how different our governments are, regarding caring or not caring about pwME disability rights, research funding, etc. IMO this can cause a different set of emotions in response to threads about homeopathy and vitamins. I don’t have much of a reaction, generally speaking, but I can now also see how someone from another country may feel differently.

    So that brings us back to moderation rules. Because we are an international forum, I feel they will need to be interpreted. If someone feels offended by a post, I would appreciate an understanding from them as to why. I don’t know all the different politics in each country regarding pwME, I am most familiar with the issues we face in the U.S.
    Mij, Inara, Arnie Pye and 1 other person like this.
  4. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Gosh, I read my post's sooo unclear. You are absolutely right. It depends on the time.

    What I actually wanted to say - I hope this time - is that "social aid" originated in a way in groups of people/workers organizing themselves, collecting money and helping others.
  5. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think you said very important things, and at least I will try to take them into account.

    I also see the problem that some aren't English native speakers. I also see misunderstanding is very common. I would like to treat each other with benevolence.

    I am glad about this discussion.
  6. healthforall

    healthforall Established Member (Voting Rights)

    I often think that I live in a world where (except for a few exceptions)noone cares about anyone else(doctors about patients,politicians about the society they live in,relatives about family members).I hope that we'll find enough exceptions so that one day there will be answers for all of us.
    I have sent letters and emails to researchers,doctor associations research foundations even the NIH.It's not only ME that they are not interested in,they are also not interested in diagnosing liver disease/damage(blood tests are unreliable) and developing alternative methods of oral contraceptives for women (1 out of 10000 get cholestatic liver damage with the current means of oral contraceptives).They are also not interested in checking if any of those 1 out of 10000 women(out of a hundred million- although the ones who felt sick didn't continue to use-it's hard to tell the real number)became permanently incapacitated(noone ever bothered to check,some professor decided that cholestatic damage caused by contraceptive steroids is begign and reversible-who needs research if professors know or pretend to know everything?).
    I had read that the current american president(I'd rather not name him)was going to shut down the Environment Protection Agency.Why should people who suffered injury because of a chemical find out what made them sick or people whose houses were built on a contaminated area find out what's making them suffer?As long as rich people feel that it's not going to happen to them who cares about the rest of us?
    Luther Blissett, Inara, Wonko and 3 others like this.
  7. Inara

    Inara Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    You speak from my heart. I am really touched :emoji_cry:

    I heard a talk of a Professor who analyses how the "western" system works. And he concluded: Realistically, if one looks at history and how our world is today, one would have to despair. All that we have is hope.

    That sounds so romantic in a way. But I find that it's true for me, although I'd wish it otherwise.

    (I have also curiosity, few beloved ones, good food and nature.)

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