Assessments for benefit in UK - short piece on radio including ME patient

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by MeSci, Apr 23, 2018.

  1. MeSci

    MeSci Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Cornwall, UK
    I didn't follow this awfully well or remember very well, but you can listen from from 0204-0747 (I don't know if it's available outside the UK).

    It's about the 'failures' (they look like deliberate misrepresentations to me and to others) to assess people correctly, giving them zero points towards benefit when they've received it for years, and apparently making things up.

    The first person to be featured is ME patient Rob, who gained benefit by submitting a secretly-made recording, which showed the staff member's submission to be completely false.

    The recording machine officially permitted is almost impossible to get hold of.
  2. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    I have just listened. Started at 1.00, finished 6.36. Good item, mainly an interview with a Labour MP who spelled out clearly what the problem is, and that the Government are still 'looking into' something that needs action now. Of course 'no Government minister was available' to respond.

    As someone currently waiting for the result of my daughter's medical for this benefit, I am very concerned - we could not record it, as we don't have the equipment, and I was with her, but can't physically write enough to take detailed notes, so we are entirely dependent on the assessor's honesty.
  3. Arnie Pye

    Arnie Pye Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    For the deafies amongst us I wish radio could come up with some technology that allowed subtitles. :( Radio is something that I can make almost no use of at all.
    MeSci and Invisible Woman like this.

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