Autoantibodies Targeting [GPCRs] and RAS-Related Molecules in Post-Acute COVID Vaccination Syndrome: A Retrospective [...], 2024, Mantovani et al

Discussion in ''Conditions related to ME/CFS' news and research' started by forestglip, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Autoantibodies Targeting G-Protein-Coupled Receptors and RAS-Related Molecules in Post-Acute COVID Vaccination Syndrome: A Retrospective Case Series Study

    Mauro Mantovani, Paolo Bellavite, Serafino Fazio, Giuseppe Di Fede, Marco Tomasi, Daniele Belli, Elisabetta Zanolin

    Background/Objectives: While post-acute COVID-19 syndrome is well known and extensively studied, the post-acute COVID vaccination syndrome (PACVS) is a more recent nosological entity that is poorly defined at the immunopathological level, although it shares many symptoms with the sequelae of viral infections.

    : This single-center retrospective study reports a case series of 17 subjects vaccinated with mRNA or adenoviral vector vaccines who were healthy before vaccination and had never been infected with SARS-CoV-2 but who presented with symptoms similar to PACVS for a median time of 20 months (min 4, max 32). The medical records of all patients referred to our outpatient clinic over a one-year period were retrospectively analyzed.

    : In this group, serological tests showed that, in addition to positivity for anti-spike protein antibodies, a high percentage of subjects were positive for antibodies against G protein-coupled receptors and molecules involved in the response to SARS-CoV-2. In a panel of 16 autoantibodies tested, a few were positively associated with some of the symptoms reported by patients: anti-ATR1 with lymphadenopathy and/or tonsillitis; anti-ACE2 with skin symptoms such as ecchymosis, skin oedema, and rash; anti-MAS1 with widespread burning sensation; and anti-STAB1 with skin oedema and rash. Anti-ADRA2A were negatively associated with memory loss and/or mental fog. ACE2 correlated with the serum levels of anti-S antibodies, supporting the hypothesis of an anti-idiotype mechanism in the immunopathogenesis of PACVS.

    : This exploratory analysis suggests that the levels of autoantibodies directed against ACE2, and probably also MAS1 and STAB1, may serve as biomarkers for PACVS.

    Link | PDF (Biomedicines) [Open Access]
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