Book: When Force Meets Fate by Jamison Hill, published January 2021

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Trish, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    JaneL, Barry, leokitten and 19 others like this.
  2. cfsandmore

    cfsandmore Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I've ordered a copy.
    sebaaa, Dolphin, MEMarge and 4 others like this.
  3. wigglethemouse

    wigglethemouse Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    MEMarge, sebaaa, ahimsa and 3 others like this.
  4. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Got my e-book last week & read it. Best description of the experience of ME that I've read.
    MEMarge, rainy, Mariaba and 7 others like this.
  5. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Where did you get the e-book, please? I haven't found anywhere to buy it yet, none of the places where I usually buy my e-books has it.

    Ideally, I'd like to get it in epub format, downloadable to my laptop (because my e-reader doesn't have internet access), but I could convert a .mobi if necessary.
  6. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Hi Mango - I'm in Canada and preordered the e-book about a year ago when Jamison needed a certain number of orders to get it published. Downloaded in EPUB and read it on my laptop.

    Here's a list of places the various formats (e-book, audible & hard copy) are available:

    US: Amazon, Apple, Target, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, BooksAMillion, Book Depository (ships worldwide for free!), Indiebound, BookShop.

    • Canada: Amazon, Kobo, Chapters/Indigo

    • UK: Amazon

    • Australia: Booktopia

    • Mexico: Amazon

    • Germany: Amazon

    • Norway/Sweden: Book Depository, Adlibris

    If this doesn't work for you let me know where you are and I'll look into it further.

    I think pretty well everyone would find it interesting.
    mango and Amw66 like this.
  7. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Thank you so much, Helene! Very kind :) I'm in Sweden.

    (Adlibris unfortunately only sells hardback copies, doesn't deliver to your letterbox/doorstep, and I'm unable to pick up parcels from the post office. Book Depository don't sell e-books either, and I'm waiting to find out how their deliveries have changed after Brexit; I'm still waiting on a book I ordered from them 2 December 2020...)

    I usually buy my e-books from either, or Google Play. doesn't sell e-books, and Amazon UK and US don't allow me to order from them.

    Yes please, I'd appreciate help finding this book :) But only if it's not too much trouble, only if you actually have extra energy to spare or if anyone happens to find it by chance :hug: I don't mind waiting, there's no hurry.

    I've obviously tried Google etc myself, but no luck so far. I've tried requesting books from Bokus and others before, but never had any luck with that either, they don't accept custom requests.
    MEMarge, Helene and rainy like this.
  8. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There's got to be a way. I've sent an email to Inkshares, the publisher to see what they suggest.

    In the meantime, does anyone else have a suggestion for Mango on how to access this ebook?
    MEMarge, rainy and mango like this.
  9. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh, contacting the publisher was a great idea! (I really should have thought of that...)

    Many many thanks for being so helpful :hug:
    MEMarge, Helene and rainy like this.
  10. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Aha - seems you can just buy it online directly from Inkshares, the publisher. Here's their reply:

    Inkshares <>
    10:53 AM (47 minutes ago)
    Hi Helen,
    She can order it directly from Inkshares here: by clicking the "ebook" button. She'll get an email with download instructions (also via Inkshares).

    Let me know if you have any other questions!


    The Inkshares Team

    Inkshares Inc,
    95 Linden St. Suite 6
    Oakland, CA 94607
    +1 415 890 6436
    Copyright © 2021 Inkshares, Inc.
    cfsandmore, mango and MEMarge like this.
  11. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    The book should be required reading for anyone who thinks exercise and positive thinking are the way out of ME - looking at you Paul Garner & BPS crew.

    Jamison Hill is a bodybuilder/fitness fanatic who just won't quit trying to overcome ME by ignoring his illness and exercising, until he is totally bed bound.

    Revelations on his experience with a well known American ME Dr are pretty shocking too.

    Thank goodness for his mother who has kept this lovely young man alive.
    bobbler, Shinygleamy, Hutan and 12 others like this.
  12. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Oh, really? It only said pre-order when I checked earlier. I double-checked now and it still says pre-order? Also, I wasn't able to find any info about the e-book on that page, like what format, expected release date, whether it's downloadable or only to stream/read in app etc.

    Thank you so much for being so very kind and helpful! I'll email them my questions to be sure, and then hopefully place my order :)

    Many many thanks, much appreciated :hug:
    cfsandmore likes this.
  13. Sarah94

    Sarah94 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Which one?
  14. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Dr Peterson
    Sarah94 likes this.
  15. mango

    mango Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I finally got a copy! Thanks again, @Helene :hug:
    cfsandmore and Helene like this.
  16. Helene

    Helene Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Excellent. Glad it worked out.
    cfsandmore and mango like this.
  17. Dakota15

    Dakota15 Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just curious, what happened in this reference to Dr. Peterson?
  18. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Should it be required reading for someone who thinks exercise and positive thinking are no use?
    Ash, Helene, cfsandmore and 1 other person like this.
  19. wigglethemouse

    wigglethemouse Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Haven't read it yet - on my wishlist. I'm wondering what treatment has brought about his recent improvement. I really think ME is a mixed bag diagnosis with PEM as a common element. Some people have recognised coexisting conditions that may be treatable. I'd enjoy reading about that aspect, and also try to understand how bad very severe ME can get. I think very severe ME gets very little publicity and that would be interesting to learn about. So yes, I think it would be of interest.
    bobbler and wingate like this.
  20. 5vforest

    5vforest Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    San Francisco, CA
    I read some chapters and skimmed others, but it was an enjoyable read and Jamison is a great writer.

    re: treatments, quoting the book:

    I would attempt to summarize the Dr. Peterson chapter(s) but I don't want to get it wrong. I left with the feeling that Jamison was unimpressed, and the difference between him and Dr. Kaufman is starkly contrasted.

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