Can you protect yourself against viral infections through repeated short exposures?

Discussion in 'Immunological' started by Sasha, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. Ash

    Ash Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I think mostly the government were asking scientists to guess based upon very rough estimates and limited data then finding whatever the most optimistic guess was and promoting that one, so as to make themselves look more in control and minimise the risk of public panic/realistic assessments of risk.

    If you read the NHS official pages around Covid and vaccination as of now probably or at least a couple of months ago when I last checked you’d all but think the vaccines were sterilising and that any illness one did manage to get was going to be minimal.

    The amount of sickness and long term damage around from the fall out of this let it rip school of pandemic management is going to destroy society altogether if a change of direction isn’t soon taken. It may already be too late for all our hearts and brains.

    But you personally still have to find a way to squeeze some happiness out of your own life. I’d recommend pressing as many friends and family as you can to test before seeing you, though this is of limited use because to have a hope of getting a reliable result one has to test about three times per week or daily during symptoms, and vaccinations less effective now due to accelerated mutations resulting from the lack infection control measures.

    I guess find a good mask that fits your face well buy a couple of fans to direct air flow open some windows and get a HEPA filter to run in your home when people come over or meet people outside as much as possible, wear a mask because unless it a certain kind of windy weather you’re still at quite some risk up close.

    COVID is a lot more damaging especially longer term for the body than ordinary flu, not including particularly vicious flu outbreaks such as Spanish, Swine and Bird, and ordinary flu is already bad enough for a person with any vulnerability.

    I am destroyed from LC on top of ME. I know many people on the forum have expressed the view that LC is ME, but as someone who was already severely affected by ME, I am here to say there are definitely some differences in how it feels. I can’t breathe comfortably most of the time, it’s sore and jagged. I’ve lost normal sensation down an entire half of my body where I also experience permanent pins and needles. After two decades of moderate to severe ME I maintained some level of muscle tone despite little exercise. I lost what little I’d painfully maintained all that time following 3.5 weeks of COVID in 2020. I am now virtually bed bound. I’ve just been getting worse and worse not better and better. I probably would have gotten worse with “just” ME and other conditions. But not this rapidly. Besides which I’d probably have answered other questions about my physical condition had not feeling like you’re dying become such a normalised state of being.

    So I’d say try to find what ever you miss most in life and think about how you could make adjustments to do this or something similar with the least amount of risk.

    But don’t ever let anyone persuade you you’re over estimating the risks of this virus.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
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