Clinician Conceptualization of the Benefits of Treatments for Individual Patients, 2021, Morgan, Pineles et al

Discussion in 'Other health news and research' started by JohnTheJack, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. JohnTheJack

    JohnTheJack Moderator Staff Member


    Snow Leopard, Sean, Hutan and 6 others like this.
  2. alktipping

    alktipping Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    they could of asked a dozen people with chronic illnesses and got the same answers .doctors rarely know the long term results of what benefits their patients get from standard protocols . my doctors only show interest when it comes to ticking the right boxes.
  3. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    There's that placebo effect again, the real one, creeping up wherever you can't measure things. Nothing to do with patients, it's the natural imprecision that comes from not being able to measure an effect. Same principle with a fake thermostat and asking people whether the temperature changed. The comparison is just too imprecise to be useful in most cases.

    Although the idea that more education would solve that problem is hilariously naïve considering the worst offenders of this are often the creators of a treatment, who massively overestimate to the point of turning null results into full cures in the worst cases that we are all too familiar with. It's just good old bias, an issue that was simply never resolved yet people just assumed it was. Somehow.
    Michelle, alktipping, Graham and 3 others like this.

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