Cochrane Review: 'Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome', Larun et al. - New version October 2019

Discussion in 'Psychosomatic research - ME/CFS and Long Covid' started by MEMarge, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    This, and even then the low quality rating is only for a small number of outcomes, almost all of which are short term outcomes. The evidence for the rest of the outcomes is rated 'very low quality'.

    You would think that any treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome would have some clear impact on fatigue. But, even using the horribly flawed Chalder Fatigue Scale, the quality of the evidence for GET having an impact was 'very low'.

    It is difficult to imagine how an evidence base could be worse. I suspect if homeopathy had had the millions spent on unblinded research studies that GET has had, it would have come out considerably better.

    Surely all this is not hard to understand?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
  2. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    MEMarge, Missense, EzzieD and 14 others like this.
  3. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    Not to mention how often the same researchers perform new small feasability and/or pilot studies (or even full sized randomized trials who change to feasability trials post-peer review) and presenting their theories as "new".
    MEMarge, Solstice, Michelle and 12 others like this.
  4. Hoopoe

    Hoopoe Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Indeed, it's not hard to understand. There are studies that show how easy it is to induce improvement in self-reported symptoms even with an ineffective treatment.

    It therefore appears Cochrane is too invested in this paradigm to admit the problem.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2023
    MEMarge, Michelle, Missense and 14 others like this.
  5. JemPD

    JemPD Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I was listening to Jamie Lee Curtis talking about addiction today, I'm paraphrasing, but when asked what she would want to tell her younger self at the start of her journey to sobriety, she said well theres nothing because you cant hear anything you're not ready to hear, if you're not ready to hear reality, truth, you wont be able to hear it, you cant hear it until you're ready to.

    and i thought of our battle to get people to see & hear the staggeringly obvious.

    Its not hard to understand, but they just cant hear it. It simply wont go in. Its like water off a ducks back. I dont know how to fight that.
    MEMarge, mango, Kirsten and 16 others like this.
  6. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It goes even beyond that: it's possible with harmful treatment that is widely rejected as nonsensical, as long as the harm is not, basically, another disease or death. It uses cherry-picked positive subjective evidence, weak as it is, while ignoring negative subjective evidence, based entirely on: nuh uh. It truly is the ultimate pseudoscience. It has all the eminence and authority of real science, but literally none of its reliability, and even less accountability.

    Truly, the entire paradigm here is flawed, it simply allows preferred conclusions to be tortured out of unreliable data. But this is Cochrane's entire reason to exist, and the paradigm on which modern clinical practice is built out of. And it's fatally flawed, it's systematically biased. It's too hard to accept, so instead they just dig deeper, committing more harm and failing far longer than any reasonable person should.

    But as we've seen, exposing this is basically met with deer-in-the-headlights stares of "what the hell are you even talking about?", because this is "evidence"-based medicine, how could it be wrong? It's based on studies reviewed by professionals! How could any of this be any wrong? And yet it mostly seems to be all wrong, literally worse than nothing at all, because not only does it not add anything, it locks failure in place for decades, effectively ending all research on most conditions.

    I still think that this only changes once AIs effectively transform health care, automating most of this process and concluding decisively that it's worthless. Meanwhile we record this failure as best as we can, but I don't think it will change on its own. This is human failure, and those can go on infinitely. Admitting being wrong is basically the fatal flaw here: humans are terrible at it, and doctors are even worse, the consequences of being wrong are too much to bear.
    EzzieD, Peter Trewhitt, Sean and 5 others like this.
  7. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    When is somebody in parliament or the media going to ask the obvious question about what the hell have they been spending all that money on?
    Modest and not sustained 'improvement'.
    MEMarge, alktipping, bobbler and 6 others like this.
  8. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Usually, governments should stay out of scientific research and for good reasons. This is just such a unique case that it warrants it.

    Although the proper framing here is that none of this is scientific research. Pragmatic trials and studies are in a class of their own that belong to the art of clinical care, rather than its science. They don't measure anything in a scientific sense, they can only use ratings. Lukewarm, not 15C. It's having disguised it as equivalent to science that is the issue, shielding it from accountability by insisting that governments need to stay out of scientific issues, and I absolutely agree with that. And that's basically at its core what evidence-based medicine: we can polish turds into diamonds.

    So the way forward may be to make very clear how this is different, how intervening here does not interfere with science since this is, for all intents and purposes, alternative medicine. Produced by licensed professionals, yes, but still not scientific. Systematic reviews are only as good the input, and only as scientific. Systematic reviews of pseudoscience amount to pseudoscience, otherwise it's the metaphorical turd-polishing and that's just nonsense. Here the input is almost all garbage throwing-darts-at-the-wall, pragmatic studies and trials may be formal and run by professionals, but that does not make them proper science. In the end this whole process amounts to "trust us, we're experts", which ironically is the old way that so-called evidence-based medicine claims to replace. In reality it just replaced one king with another while calling it a republic.

    And it has deeper implications, like the notion that medicine can treat symptoms, which is not a thing. It's often said but it's simply false. Even when they do something labeled as treating the symptoms, they are dealing with biology, they are dealing with either what causes the symptoms, or how to cover them like with anesthetics. It's basically fundamental to medicine that when they can't treat the disease, they will treat the symptoms, when really they don't even know how to do that, because in the end symptoms are not just signals of something wrong, they are something wrong. But that's a radical paradigm shift, especially one that essentially negates the nonsense that is the biopsychosocial model of illness, and much of the identity of modern medicine.
    bobbler, alktipping, EzzieD and 2 others like this.
  9. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    does anyone remember the trend in the early 2000s for whitening toothpastes that turned out they worked... for a while... by being abrasive, so at first 'fresh enamel' looking whiter but longer term not necessarily great. Or getting sent a review request a month after buying something like a bed and realising you can only do it once. So remembering in future you aren't ever going to fill it in before 6months has gone and the thing hasn't slumped in the middle or caused you back pain.

    Well imagine if you were only allowed to even complete the survey at six months if you kept up the brushing with it every day even though you saw side-effects, or not only kept the mattress but slept in it every night even if well you didn't sleep or woke up aching all over. Well that would be a pretty filtered sample? If you refused the rest of the feedback from people who 'didn't try hard enough'.

    Then imagine if years on people wanted to report what happened long-term from these things and saying it 'wasn't as scientific' as subjective feedback as er you know picking a 7 vs a 6 on one dodgily worded survey question to report you ended up in a wheelchair or unable to work etc. vs not having been before

    You are right @rvallee I struggle to find an excuse beyond the blag of 'we don't [meaning won't] measure harms'

    Is there actually an equality issue with their research on the basis that if people become more disabled - and/or their disability means they can't 'complete' then they aren't allowed to have their feedback heard. 'only recovered' matter seems to be the mantra, but it isn't really about 'recovered' as having PEM or ME/CFS seems to be what the treatment is filtering out rather than in for research explicitly tending to claim it covers that condition.
    Solstice, Sean, alktipping and 5 others like this.
  10. Adrian

    Adrian Administrator Staff Member

    Clearly it is hard to understand as Cochrane are staking their reputation on this.
  11. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    This is the bit I really struggle to make sense of. There is no way Cochrane can come out of accepting lower methodological and ethical standards looking good.

    I find it difficult to believe that at least some of the senior members there do not grasp this.

    What is their end game here? Or have they lost control of their own organisation?
    Solstice, alktipping, bobbler and 3 others like this.
  12. Adrian

    Adrian Administrator Staff Member

    My guess is that the people running Cochrane don't understand what evidence means (hence don't understand the issues) but have gone through handle turning exercises of producing reviews and understand when something looks to be of the right form.

    It really doesn't make sense to me. They may just think they can get away with it as no one cares about ME.
  13. Midnattsol

    Midnattsol Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure it's just about ME, there have been examples of other reviews not being particularly good and nothing being done about them either. I don't think most of us in healthcare is trained to recognize bad reviews, for example in my country you more or less choose between qualitative/narrative and quantitative research, with little mixing between the two. Most of our healthcare students have a qualitative background.

    I've seen enough eyes glaze over at the topic of numbers to know many are happy to assume whatever work has been done is done to a good standard. I'm not saying qualitative research is bad, but these students may not learn the tools to read and assess quantitative studies. Instead we are told to trust the organizations like Cochrane.

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