Coronavirus - worldwide spread and control

Discussion in 'Epidemics (including Covid-19, not Long Covid)' started by Patient4Life, Jan 20, 2020.

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  1. Leila

    Leila Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Updated numbers are inaccurate anyways since incubation time is long and some might stay asymptomatic.

    I've never been worried about swine flu, MERS etc. They have been new to the human population, too. It's the quarantene that makes it look so worrysome to me.
  2. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    China is doing what it can do in the current state. Let them do that in piece.
    Saz94 likes this.
  3. Trish

    Trish Moderator Staff Member

    You are comparing apples with oranges. Of course the appropriate medical authorities have to take it seriously. I was just suggesting posting frequent updates of numbers of deaths from one particular infection on the forum is not particularly helpful to forum members.

    It may be that some people go on to develop ME from this infection, just as with any infection. But us knowing the latest score isn't going to make any difference.
  4. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have. When you catch a severe form of mono (or whatever she had), from someone who knowingly came to work ill and knew she was contagious with what her doctor called some sort of liver function problem he did not understand, you might be afraid of contagious outbreaks too.
  5. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    It might if you live near the latest score. My sister keeps getting violently ill and I now live with her. She won't go to a doctor because she is not right in the head. People who aren't right in the head can get this illness and infect others because they just do what they want. I know my sister does not have coronavirus, she knowingly eats spoiled food and now that she is blind because she treated her own diabetes, she eats spoiled food like moldy strawberries as she can't see the mold. My other sister tries to keep after her food items, but here she is sick again this morning with my sister now taking care of her.
  6. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Canada's first coronavirus patient had symptoms on flight from China

    Unlerline mine.

    • Presumptive confirmed case :sick:
    • Wuhan to Toronto :mask:
    • Symptoms on flight but did not report upon landing :eyes:
    • Early in process contacting others on flight : unamused:
    • If not close to the patient on flight, should not be overly concerned :nailbiting:
    • 24 more hours to confirm :pensive:
    MeSci likes this.
  7. Diluted-biscuit

    Diluted-biscuit Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Have to agree with this. As someone with personal experience of health anxiety the constant updates here with second by second reporting could be bad for some people’s mental health. A couple of people have already expressed that worry.
    MEMarge, Kitty, Saz94 and 2 others like this.
  8. Patient4Life

    Patient4Life Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I have way more anxiety that CCI and EDS are becoming entangled with ME instead of being separate diagnoses and that Stanford is helping to push that message. And that the CCC criterion has a PEF option instead of PEM, and I understand this is possible for someone mild. But then, pain is mandatory only without an infection, which could mean that the old 1990 Fibro criterion which was not diagnosing all Fibro patients (the new 2010 criterion doubled the number of patients with Fibro, especially in men) and Fibro patients may have received a CFS diagnosis when they have Fibro.

    And that Hong Kong has 244 suspected cases with only eight confirmed and I have a friend there.

    But you know what, I will stop posting because of anxiety over a deadly illness because I posted updates.
  9. Invisible Woman

    Invisible Woman Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I understand some want to track this and comment and some find it distressing. I wonder if ignoring the thread might be helpful for some?

    At the top of the thread but below the S4ME banner & on the same line that shows the number of pages in the thread there are a couple of tools:

    Watch thread - which gives you alerts (if memory serves) and also Ignore thread. Clicking ignore thread gives you 3 options - news feed, new posts and thread list. I'm guessing selecting all three will make the thread pretty much disappear for you.
    lunarainbows, sb4, MEMarge and 5 others like this.
  10. Diluted-biscuit

    Diluted-biscuit Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Certainly a good idea for those that can/want to
  11. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    This was in the dutch news.

    Het virus zou zich ook via de spijsvertering kunnen verspreiden. Dat zeggen Chinese wetenschappers. Ze hebben het virus nu ook gevonden in ontlastingsmonsters en rectale uitstrijkjes, nadat bleek dat sommige besmette patiënten alleen diarree hadden, in plaats van koorts.

    The virus is found in poop and rectal swaps.

    As many coronavirusses are in the digested track that would make sense.

    I wondered why the outbreak was along the Yangtze river and where the Wuhan market gets the water from.
    MeSci, ladycatlover and Leila like this.
  12. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    They need to abolish 'wet markets' because new viruses will emerge and there will be no turning back. International trafficking of wild animals needs to stop.
    MeSci, Hutan, ladycatlover and 6 others like this.
  13. Leila

    Leila Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    ladycatlover likes this.
  14. Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    vietnam delights...


    Those fish on the left were one of the few creatures in the whole market that were actually dead.
    MEMarge likes this.
  15. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  16. Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Yeah, along with silk worms, and a cobra, the heart of which was still beating as I swallowed it in a shot glass of vodka :sick: delightful lol
    Mij likes this.
  17. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  18. lansbergen

    lansbergen Senior Member (Voting Rights)

  19. Snow Leopard

    Snow Leopard Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Seems speculative that HIV drugs have any effect at this stage.
    There is some evidence that neuraminidase inhibitors (which are sialic acid analogues used to treat Influenza), have some effect in inhibiting the binding activity of the coronavirus spike protein that binds to sialic acid residues.
    MeSci and MEMarge like this.
  20. Leila

    Leila Senior Member (Voting Rights)

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