I am trying to get UCL to release a video recording of my seminar presentation on Maeve's case. There are some admin hoops to go through but I still hope to get it soonish. Could I ask people to vote yes if they want UCL to make the video public? Just so that I can say people are interested.
Is it worth changing the title of the thread to, 'Do you want the video of Maeve Boothby O'Neill's case made public?' to help pull in the punters?
I wonder if some people might assume it's footage from the inquest, and vote No because it would seem inappropriate? Maybe: "Do you want to be able to watch Jonathan's seminar on Maeve Boothby O'Neill's case?"
I can certainly do slides and a transcript. I am hoping to have a live video to make it a bit more personal and that is proving slow, but hopefully there can be a package with all three.