Donating to Klimas clinical trial

Discussion in 'Fundraising' started by Jupiter, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Established Member

    Hey everyone, as you probably know Nancy Klimas is going to start some clinical trials and still needs some funding for the men´s subgroup. I have decided to contribut this years christmas donations, what I get from relatives and friends, to that trial, as I think it sounds promising.

    So I contacted one of her team member and asked how to donate as I wanted to make sure the money goes to that trial and not some other stuff. They have a research fund that was established last year that it is called the CFS/ME Homeostasis Reboot Research Fund. Its on their homepage but it is a bit tricky: So I will explain incase anybody else is interested

    See this link for Neuro Immune Medicine&designation=Osteopathic Medicine - Neuro-Immune Medicine

    Select Gift Area -> Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine -> ME /CFS Homeostasis Reboot Research Fund

    And in the comments one should write a short info additionally -> This Gift is to support the work of Dr. Klimas to go to the CFS/ME Homeostasis Reboot Research Fund mens subgroup trial. please contact Heidi Alzate ID 2149

    I wish you all a great holiday
    Forbin, rvallee, DokaGirl and 6 others like this.
  2. Sasha

    Sasha Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Highlights I've selected from a message from Nancy Klimas's INIM (broken up for ease of reading):

    INIM Highlights and Funding Opportunities

    2018 has proven to be an exciting year for the INIM with real progress in our efforts to find a cure for ME/CFS and GWI. The INIM has been successful in receiving grant funding for our GWI efforts though ME/CFS support continues to be sparse.

    As you read the highlights of our success in 2018, we ask you to reflect on what is important to you. If any of the below causes speaks to your heart, we ask you to please support our efforts and donate to the INIM.



    Gulf War Illness (GWI)

    Dr. Nancy Klimas has carried the research vision in the Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine and has brought together a team of highly qualified researchers at Nova Southeastern University.

    Patients with GWI have seen the human studies that challenged patients with exercise and blood samples before, during, and after – 8 times in 4 hours, then again the next day - turn into a model using more than 5,000,000 bits of data per subject!

    A super computer approach and our brilliant computational scientists modeled the biology of GWI and found drugs or nutraceuticals that affected the right, newly identified treatment targets.

    Then hundreds of thousands of treatments in combinations and time sequences were run through a super computer platform called Watson.

    The computer system created a mathematical model which would “reboot” the homeostatic imbalance found in GWI patients’ immune, endocrine and brain signaling neurotransmitters systems using the treatment targets.

    This information resulted in the formulation of a workable clinical trial to test in animals initially.

    The trial was successfully completed in the animal model, and now, in 2018 the first human GWI clinical trial is underway using this method!

    We are funded to move this human clinical trial through phase 2, and extend the work to other ME/CFS subgroups discovered in the modeling work.

    This work is federally funded through the Veteran’s Affairs and the Department of Defense, with a recent 8.5 million dollar grant from the Army to help this and other biologically based models move through phase 1 and phase 2 trials

    Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

    In ME/CFS we have completed all of the work needed to progress to human trials, thanks to pre-clinical NIH and VA funding.

    We have established 3 models that require different clinical approaches – post-menopausal women model differently than pre-menopausal women, and men model differently than women.

    1) Thanks to support from the Gateway Institute for Brain Research we will begin the fully funded post-menopausal women’s study as quick as we can roll through the Institutional Review Board and FDA processes currently in progress.

    2) Thanks to a fundraising campaign for the men’s study we have about half of the funding needed, and will be getting that study off the ground as soon as the IRB and FDA processes are complete. We only have enough money to get half the needed study volunteers through, and rely on you to help us fundraise to complete this study.

    3) The biggest challenge is the pre-menopausal women phase 1 trial, which we are starting from zero and will rely on a fundraising campaign starting in the spring of 2019 to move forward with a phase 1 study as soon as we have about half of the funding in the donation account.

    So think about giving generously to our “Reboot Campaign” rebooting homeostasis in individuals from “sick” to “well”. While the total funding needed to complete all of the above research projects is lot ( think one million), your individual contribution, no matter the size, takes us one-step closer to getting more phase 1 clinical trials up and running.

    Animal Modeling in ME/CFS

    Due to the generosity of Kathy and Ron Assaf, who graciously hosted a fundraiser in their beautiful home, we have a starter fund to establish the animal model for ME/CFS as we currently do not have one in place.

    This model is progressing nicely; particularly as creating an animal model is technically difficult. We must design a model that accurately mimics the inciting infection or exposure in the mouse, and also add in gender, which plays a large role in the effects of the illness in ME/CFS.

    The complexity of the needed mouse model is the reason that we are 30 years into this work and we still do not have the necessary ME/CFS mouse model!

    We Need Your Help.

    With the appropriate funding for the ME/CFS animal model, we could test our proposed treatments very quickly and then move to human trials for the treatments that truly work - ultimately a better way to go.

    With your small contributions, of just $1.50 per day, you could cover the necessary costs for a mouse in our study - that’s less than a cup of coffee!

    What the INIM has accomplished in 4 years is remarkable. We properly funded a move from human to supercomputer to model to targets to virtual clinical trials to cured animals to a human trial in GWI.

    We have had the ME/CFS point through to model, biologic subgroup identification, treatment targets identified, virtual models completed....then nothing.

    There is no real road to federally funded trials in the current NIH environment and so we depend on your generosity to continue to support the important work of the INIM.

    Please visit or mail your gift to the following address:
    The Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine (Attn: Ana Del Alamo, M.S., Administrative Director)
    Center for Collaborative Research
    3321 College Avenue
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314

    On behalf of the entire INIM Team, we thank you for your continued support.

    Mod note
    This thread is focused on fundraising. To discuss the research, see this thread:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2018

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