Dutch ME / POTS specialist under attack

Discussion in 'General ME/CFS news' started by Mattie, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Mattie

    Mattie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    In the Netherlands I know of only 1 ME / POTS / Fybro specialist.
    His name is Professor Dr. Frans Visser. His clinic is called Stichting Cardiozorg.
    He is a professor in cardiology and has specialised in ME and POTS.
    He was the first to diagnose me correctly with ME and POTS.

    Google translated from

    The Health Care and Youth Inspectorate (IGJ) recently paid an unannounced visit to Stichting CardioZorg of Prof. dr. Dr. Visser and Dr. van Campen. The reason for the unannounced visit was probably a report from Veilig Thuis (government organisation for child abuse/domestic violence). The physician duo previously intervened in a young adult with ME from being taken away from home (and forced into CBT/GET I presume). At this moment it is unknown what the inspection will decide and how the investigation can contribute to the protection of patient interests. We find the action, the apparent cause of the inspection visit and any consequences extremely alarming. That is why we want to come into action together with you.

    Support for Dr. Visser can be posted on this Kudoboard:

    Testimonials will be presented to dutch health inspection board.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    Louie41, Inara, Indigophoton and 9 others like this.
  2. Valentijn

    Valentijn Guest

    Does Dr Visser want support at this time? And is this the form of support that he wants?
    Louie41, Inara, Barry and 2 others like this.
  3. Mattie

    Mattie Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    That I don't know. The initiative comes from Millions Missing Holland.
  4. Valentijn

    Valentijn Guest

    They might want to ask him, if they haven't already. When other ME clinicians have been asked about support regarding similar persecution from authorities, they have expressed a preference to handle it on their own through official processes. A bunch of patients coming together to support a doctor can be viewed by authorities as that doctor whipping up a mob into a frenzy to unduly influence the proceedings, even though that isn't the case.
    Louie41, Inara, Indigophoton and 7 others like this.
  5. Solstice

    Solstice Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Just comes to show the situation here isn't any better than in Britain though. Thank you Bleijenberg, v.d. Meer and others for making our lives harder.

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