Effects of a plank-based strength training programme on muscle activation in patients with long COVID: a case series, 2024, Navarro-Lopez et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by rvallee, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Effects of a plank-based strength training programme on muscle activation in patients with long COVID: a case series


    Background: This study aimed to analyse the effects of a plank-based strength training programme on muscle activation in patients with long COVID.

    Subjects and methods: Case series study that included patients with long COVID who participated in a 12-week trunk and pelvic muscle strength training programme. Clinical variables and the modified fatigue impact scale (MFIS) were used to assess fatigue levels. Percentage of muscle activation during a core muscle plank was measured via surface electromyography. Pre- and post-intervention results were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and evaluated with Cohen's D effect size (ES).

    Results: Twenty-one subjects participated in the study; 81% female, mean age 47.5 years (range: 28-55 years), and median duration of symptoms 21 months (range: 5-24 months); 90.5% of the participants experienced fatigue (MFIS score = 38). Muscle activation during plank exercises improved across all muscles after the intervention, with significant increases in the left (p = 0.011, medium ES) and right external oblique (p =0.039, small ES) muscles and the right latissimus dorsi muscle (p = 0.039, small ES). Additionally, significant reductions in fatigue were observed in the total MFIS score (p = 0.004, medium ES) and in the physical (p < 0.001, large ES) and psychosocial subscales (p = 0.033, small ES).

    Conclusions: Results suggest that a plank-based strength training programme may be effective in enhancing trunk and pelvic muscle activation in individuals with long COVID.
    Sly Saint, Kitty, Hutan and 1 other person like this.
  2. rvallee

    rvallee Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Not especially notable, and details are paywalled anyway. Not even a poorly randomized trial with weak methodology, they published this as a case series.

    What's most notable is that this paper was published just last month, and already a running magazine has published what is basically an ad for it. Probably just some freelancer who saw this as an easy few bucks. In a discipline where even systematic reviews comprising the whole literature are basically uninterpretable, this is another side of the problem: individual studies being massively overhyped in the era of click-bait nonsense. Hype that isn't much different than what PACE got. It got a lot of publicity disguised as reporting.

    But when you have enough experience with this field, you pretty much realize that "a study says X" is actually about as reliable as a random Facebook post, and how the regressing state of this kind of research is being amplified with the similar problem happening in journalism, always pushing the lie on big display front page, with corrections and retractions getting just a single sentence in the back pages. If at all.

    Could doing the plank help long Covid?
    New research suggests core-strength exercises – especially planks – are effective weapons in the fight against long Covid fatigue
    Personally I've always found that anything that triggers core muscles is the most reliable way to get PEM. It's basically the top what-not-to-do of what-not-to-dos.
    Kiwipom, EzzieD, bobbler and 11 others like this.
  3. EndME

    EndME Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Seems like an unwise study. The authors should have known: You have to plank and do the rubiks cube at the same time, only that can solve mind-body issues.
    EzzieD, alktipping, bobbler and 9 others like this.
  4. Wonko

    Wonko Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    An excise I have some experience with (you'd probably not be surprised at how few studies study deadlifting, squats etc in pwME).

    Beyond a tiny bit, if determined, progress is not possible in the plank, for anyone with a similar condition to mine.

    And that tiny bit is IMO solely down to learning how to do the plank vs not knowing how to do the plank.

    The plank was part of my training for nearly 2 years, I never got any better at it, in fact.....as my technique improved I did the opposite.

    But I kept trying coz everyone else can improve, so it must be my technique.....
    EzzieD, LJord, Michelle and 8 others like this.
  5. Mij

    Mij Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    I did a mental plank back in August just from small talk. Does this count?
    EzzieD, Kitty, Hutan and 5 others like this.
  6. oldtimer

    oldtimer Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Melbourne, Australia
  7. oldtimer

    oldtimer Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Melbourne, Australia
    What a waste of time and money.
    I did a plank yesterday for a minute after years of not doing them because I read an article about how strength exercises are better than other types to ward off frailty which is thought to be a huge risk for dementia. Nothing to lose, I thought.
    I did nothing else yesterday and today I'm a write-off and a rotator cuff is giving me gyp into the bargain:mad:
    Kitty, Hutan, bobbler and 3 others like this.
  8. bobbler

    bobbler Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Me too when I was moderate

    sadly it’s the same misleading pattern as for everything else like this

    that you can improve short term on that particular item whilst you prioritise it, and it gets a bit better and a bit better and then either ‘boom’ or that in combo with a slow decline back down with each time you stupidly keep trying to do it not getting the hint it’s now not improving but getting worse each time

    so end result is actually worse health and no local improvement (maybe worse than when you started) but put off a lot of other things to achieve that - I think in any other area they might call it a term beginning with f when a result looks like something but is actually due to something else

    anyway of course it’s a major issue that these things accidentally always pick timeframes like 6 or 12 weeks
    Michelle, Kitty, Hutan and 5 others like this.
  9. Jonathan Edwards

    Jonathan Edwards Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    London, UK
    Never heard of it. Sounds a bit like waterboarding.
    Tailored torture for the masochist who wants to make the most of their misery?
    EzzieD, Michelle, Kitty and 3 others like this.
  10. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    Ditto for people with a similar condition to mine, given that pilates is all about strengthening the core.

    Analysing what they say there in the abstract:

    Case series study = no controls, so we have no idea if people would have had reduced fatigue levels at the end of the period regardless of intervention. Reversion to the mean, and what we know about post-Covid conditions suggests 'yes', some or all of the benefit is probably attributable to time.

    The case study series included some patients with long covid, but we don't know how many. As far as we know from the abstract, it might have been 1. Regardless, because the number is less than 21, we can be pretty sure that the total was an inadequate number to draw much in the way of conclusions. But, the authors did not let that stop them saying that the programme 'may be effective in enhancing trunk and pelvic muscle activation in individuals with LC'. If the abstract can't even tell us how many people in this case series had Long Covid, then telling us that their intervention helps people with LC is ridiculous.

    "Conclusions: (there's just one) Results suggest that a plank-based strength training programme may be effective in enhancing trunk and pelvic muscle activation in individuals with Long Covid". That is such a weird conclusion. How many people with LC have complained on social media 'if only I could enhance my trunk and pelvic muscle activation, life would be great'?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2024
    EzzieD, Mij, Kitty and 6 others like this.
  11. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    I have been assessed a 4-5 times over the years for basic muscle strength, including the core, and not once have they found anything significant. The confusion on their faces was obvious, their silence about the implications damning, and naturally they still recommended core strength exercises.

    The concept of falsifiability has completely escaped these people.
    bobbler, EzzieD, rvallee and 7 others like this.
  12. Sly Saint

    Sly Saint Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Plank based exercises AKA isometric exercises were also found to be most beneficial for high blood pressure;
    analysis released last year.
    Blood Pressure UK

    eta: there is an easier version of the plank which involves propping yourself up on the arm of a sofa say, rather than lying on the floor. Another useful exercise that pwME might be able to do is squeezing a stress ball in your hand/s (or similar), also supposedly good for blood pressure/circulation. I did both earlier this year. Even for only 10s of seconds at a time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2024
    oldtimer, bobbler and Hutan like this.
  13. Hutan

    Hutan Moderator Staff Member

    Aotearoa New Zealand
    I suspect that there might have been some bias in the demographics of the studies. I think it is less likely that the frail elderly and the very sick (people with high blood pressure that is rather resistant to improvement created by exercise) would have been signing up to do planking and wall squats. Instead they were probably in the studies of aerobic exercise; gentle walks and the like.
    Sean, oldtimer, Yann04 and 1 other person like this.
  14. Sean

    Sean Moderator Staff Member

    I don't doubt such exercises might help many people on these measures. But that kind of misses the point for those who cannot exercise at all, or not consistently, or not to that degree.
    bobbler and Wonko like this.

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