Environmental Exposures and Long COVID in a Prospective Population-Based Study in Catalonia (COVICAT Study), 2024, Saucy et al

Discussion in 'Long Covid research' started by forestglip, Nov 28, 2024.

  1. forestglip

    forestglip Senior Member (Voting Rights)

    Environmental Exposures and Long COVID in a Prospective Population-Based Study in Catalonia (COVICAT Study)

    Apolline Saucy, Ana Espinosa, Susana Iraola-Guzmán, Gemma Castaño-Vinyals, Barbara N. Harding, Marianna Karachaliou, Otavio Ranzani, Rafael De Cid, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Manolis Kogevinas

    [Research letter, no abstract]

    We did not observe associations between major urban environmental factors and the risk of long COVID, except for particular matter (PM10, PM2.5) showing tendencies toward an increased risk for persistent long COVID. Our findings are in accord with previous limited evidence on air pollutants and long COVID.

    They are also, to some extent, in accord with prior evidence from the COVICAT population showing an association between air pollution concentrations on the risk of COVID-19 but particularly higher risks for severe COVID-19, suggesting complex pathways in the impact of environmental factors on the risk of long COVID.

    We could speculate that the majority of effect of air pollution on long COVID is indirectly via increasing severity. This hypothesis is supported by the suggestive association between particulate matter and the most severe (persistent) cases of long COVID but not with all cases of long COVID.

    Further study of long COVID subtypes and symptoms could offer more detailed understanding of the observed associations. These findings contribute to understanding the complex interplay between environmental exposures and long-term COVID-19 outcomes.

    [They also tested associations of long COVID with noise pollution, light pollution, and green spaces.]

    Link | PDF (Environmental Health Perspectives) [Open Access]
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2024
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